Worst 25 Other Book Related Easter Eggs
Cover Egg
- 1.2/10 with 416 votes
Posted Friday, October 8 in MAD Magazine
On every cover of MAD (that I know of) has Alfred E. Newman's head or picture on it in some way.
Otto's Costume
- 4.5/10 with 93 votes
Posted Friday, March 3 in Simpsons Comics
On the first page, Otto is dressed up as the one-eared rabbit from Life in Hell.
- 5.0/10 with 102 votes
Posted Sunday, February 20 in MAD Magazine
On every single cover of mad in big letters, is the word mad. After the M in tiny letters, is the letters IND. (Possibly meaning industries.) Now if you put the first part together with the last part, it says MIND AD! Is that a coincedince?
Playboy Bunny
- 5.0/10 with 427 votes
Posted Wednesday, August 4 in Playboy Magazine
look on the front page of the mag.. there is a hidden bunny(some are harder to find than others)
Interesting Little Bird
- 5.7/10 with 47 votes
Posted Tuesday, May 16 in MAD Magazine
1.If you look in the movie spoof section in any Mad magazine and look hard enough you will see a creature with long legs and a wierd head. It looks almost like a bird. You can find this in every issue.
- 5.8/10 with 48 votes
2.You can also find the words "max korn" contained... more Posted Monday, August 30 in Star Trek
In the book
Tiny Little Treats
- 6.0/10 with 62 votes
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Q Continuum Series. Book 2 - Q Zone At the beginning of Chapter five Riker is talking to Reg Barclay. Barclay says he was assigned to the position "after Ensign Schultz was injured". The actor who... more Posted Thursday, September 2 in PCXL and PCGAMER magazine
In the magazine PCAccelerator If you look next to all the staff pictures somewhere near the bottom of the column that has all that IGN stuff they usually say some stuff like can somebody go to starbucks and get us some coffee. Also, In PCGAMER on the... more
Gary Barker
- 6.0/10 with 137 votes
Posted Saturday, March 3 in Garfield Comic Strip
In one of the Garfield strips, Jon is at a high-school reunion. He talks to a man named Gary Barker. If you know a bit about Garfield, you'd know that Gary Barker is Jim Davis' assistant that draws the blue-pencil products before they are inked and lettered.
The Secret Message
- 6.2/10 with 43 votes
Posted Wednesday, January 10 in MAD Magazine
1. Look at the page where Sergio Aragones makes fun of musical instruments.
Morse Code in Spy Vs. Spy
- 6.6/10 with 81 votes
2. Look at the last picture in the strip where a boy plays piano. 3. Turn the magazine around. 4. Look at the flags carefully. 5. Then you can see a text "This is the secret... more Posted Saturday, January 12 in MAD Magazine
Somewhere on every "episode" of Spy vs. Spy, there is some Morse code writing on it:
Hidden D.U.C.K.
- 6.8/10 with 43 votes
-... -.-- .--. .-. --- .... .. .- ... This translates to: BY PROHIAS Antonio Prohias was the original creator of Spy vs. Spy. Strangely enough the same Morse Code... more Posted Thursday, April 5 in Donald Duck comics by Don Rosa
In almost all Donald Duck comics made by Don Rosa you can find the word D.U.C.K.
Captain's Table Book 6
- 7.0/10 with 60 votes
Most D.U.C.K.s are in the first picture. D.U.C.K. stands for "Dedicated to Unca Carl From Keno". "Unca Carl" is the well known Disney writer Carl Barks. And "Keno" is... more Posted Saturday, March 11 in Star Trek
On page 118, Captain Pike remembers how he teased Number 1 about how the computers voice sounds just like her.
Hidden Message
- 7.1/10 with 86 votes
In the original pilot episode Majel Barret played Number 1 and in future episodes was the voice of the computer. Posted Tuesday, July 16 in Fox Trot comic strip
In the summer camp strip about the cafeteria, look in the backround. You'll see a piece of paper that has some numbers on it: 47 4F 4F 44 20 4A 4F 42. Type about:%47%4F%4F%44%20%4A%4F%42 into your browser and see what you get. It's a message.
Capt. Frasier Crane?
- 7.1/10 with 123 votes
Posted Friday, October 8 in Star Trek
Peter David slipped in a tricky one here.
Felix the Cat
- 7.1/10 with 49 votes
In the book, Sulu turns down a posting to a ship so that he can spend more time with his daughter. The ship is called the Bozeman and the capt. is named Bateson. (This ship and captain showed up in a ST:TNG... more Posted Monday, April 17 in Spiderman Comics
All Spiderman issues drawn by Todd McFarlane, co-founder of Image Comics and creator of Spawn, contain hidden in a random panel in the book a cartoon drawing of Felix the Cat. I think McFarlane continues to stick Felix into his works, though I'm not sure.
Binary Coding
- 7.1/10 with 63 votes
Posted Monday, September 30 in Fox Trot comic strip
In the middle comic strip on page 245, Jason is talking about how the digital age is taking over, and how binary should become the official language. He then says 01000111011100100110010101100101011101000110100101101110. Peter comments on how he can't... more
Get Fuzzy Extras
- 7.1/10 with 413 votes
Posted Friday, May 31 in Get Fuzzy Comic Strip
Darby Conley constantly makes subtle references to several people and things in his comic strip, "Get Fuzzy." One of the many examples is the legendary (to some) guitarist Leo Kottke. If you look in the background of the strips, you will see Kottke... more
Hidden Items Galore
- 7.2/10 with 201 votes
Posted Thursday, December 2 in Fox Trot comic strip
In many Fox Trot comics, the creator, Bill Amend, puts little references and changing items in his strip. One example is that he'll sometime write little references on newspapers the characters are reading, like "Cartoonist to direct Jurrasic Park II."... more
![]() Posted Tuesday, November 2 in Spiderman Comics
On most issues of "Amazing Spiderman" numbering from 300 to when his run ended, Todd McFarlane (now the creator of Spawn) hid spiders in his cover artwork! If you look carefully in his INCREDIBLY detailed designs, Spiderman's spider emblem appears in... more