Hackers Easter Egg - The Plaugue's Alias

At the end of Hackers, Eugene 'the Plague' Belfred is escaping on a plane with all the money his worm program stole for him.

The alias he uses (the name the stewardess calls him) is Mr. Babbage. Charles Babbage was the inventor of the first basic computer and the film is computer oriented.

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  4.4/10 with 119 votes
Contributed By: Renton on 08-21-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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Gul Dukat writes:
This is a horrible egg, seeing as how it's obvious that he would want to choose something that would make sense for him. Seeing as how he considered himself a god at computers and all things related, he must have wanted to compare himself to the guy who invented computers.
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POLLYmorphic writes:
Charles babbage invented the "Difference Engine" witch was basicly a giant mechanical Caculator ,you see back then computer was the name of a mathematition so intern his "Difference Engine" was referd to as a computer, it has been referd to in many books now days as the first computer but since then the meaning of a computer has changed since those days.The actuall first Computer was the Eniac.
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JoshGambit writes:
The Eniac was not the first computer. The first was the Atanasoff-Berry Computer at Iowa State University.
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Lil'_Squishy writes:
I thought this egg was very cool. Not everyone notices little things like that. Personally, I am not the most perceptive person... So thank you.
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GalFisk writes:
The ENIAC was the first (or one of the first) computers with vacuum tubes. Prior to that they were made up of relays, and prior to that of gears and stuff.
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gnoack writes:
In the book form of the movie I once bought he calls himself Mr. O'Reilly. O'Reilly is a firm which produces documentation books which are mostly about UNIX and Linux.
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Ashe writes:
so that's where the name Babbage's came from. i just always thought otherwise..
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Majin Freeza writes:
ENIAC is the 1st ELECTRONIC computer. the 1st valve/tube comp.
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purplefire writes:
OK, first of all, check your facts before putting them up!!! Charles Babbage did indeed invent (but never made) the Difference Engine, which was only a calculator, and later the Analytical Engine, which more closly resembled "modern" computers. There were multiple computers before the ENIAC. The one credited (finally) as the first electronic computer was the ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer). This was given credit as the first electronic computer on October 19, 1973 by Judge Earl Larson (look it up). Also created before the ENIAC: the Colossus, a British computer to decode German secret messages. It was created by Alan Turing, who also created the Turing Test for Artificial Intelligence, but went uncredited for years because it wasn't made public knowledge until much later. In general, you should all check your facts a little better.
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timsylad writes:
purplefire, you have way too much time... look at the original comment, even if he was an inventor of a difference engine, that's still pretty clever stuff to link it together
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sonic writes:
gul dukat, my man - just because you can see the sense in the plague choosing the name doesn't mean this is a rotten egg (did you get the pun there?) this egg gets my approval. I spotted it aswel but I only watched it for the first time like a month ago.
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