Tupac: Resurrection Easter Eggs

Mtv Wraps - 6.7/10 with 3 votes
Go to the Special Features Menu.
Go to Interviews.
Highlight "Special Features" at the bottom of the screen and go left on your remote.
This will highlight a picture of Tupac.
Press Enter and you will see Tupac goofing around introducing Mtv Wraps.

Watery Grave - 5.0/10 with 11 votes
In the Special Features section, go to 'Remembering Tupac'.

Once there, go to the third page of tributes and highlight the third option.

Then press 'right' on your remote control, and the image of Tupac will be highlighted.

Click OK/Enter and... more

A Secret - 5.0/10 with 4 votes
Go to Special Features , then go to where it says Trailers , then on the selection where it says Theatrical Trailer do right and it should highlight the picture of Tupac, now enjoy a small scene that will appear that might be telling that Tupac is alive...

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