Nocturne Easter Eggs

Picture of the Developers of Nocturne - 6.5/10 with 13 votes
Start act 4 of Nocturne.
At the hallway you get out of the lift after having talked to the secretary, who opened the door to get to it.
Just before the next (and only) door where you get to the hall with the offices inside, take a closer look at... more

Hidden/Alternate Character - 6.5/10 with 4 votes
Go to the directory where Nocturne is installed and open the System folder. Using Notepad, open the file Nocturne.cfg Find the Line that says HeroNumber=2 I found that each number is a different Spookhouse character like Haystack, Svetlana, Ect. The current... more

Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) - 5.3/10 with 11 votes
winblows-all guns
moreammo-more ammo
silver-silver bullets to kill werewolfs
mercury- to kill demons
aqua-aqua vampira bullets

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