Funny End Credits -
7.5/10 with 19 votes
1. Put CD in a standard music player and press play.
2. Skip track 1 (data track). The final 2 tracks contain outtakes from the game's voice acting.
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Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG) -
6.9/10 with 35 votes
1. Framerate=Framerate Hatman=Change Jim to chalk man
2. Beammeup=Try it! Iddqd= Funny Idkfa =Funny
3. Any of the Queen names like pulsating or sweaty ECT.= Funny
4. Itsawonderful= Life Onandonandon= Max continues
5. Slaghterhouse= First 5 levels...
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"The Old Cheat Code" -
6.4/10 with 7 votes
In the SNES version of the game, pause, then press Y, A, B, B, A, Y, A, B, B, A.
The screen will go weird, and you'll be treated to a mocking message on a pink screen intended for Nick Jones, one of the game's programmers. It will tell you / him that...
Jim Relieving Himself -
6.2/10 with 55 votes
1. In the game, just press F10
2. Then wait until he relieves himself.
Credits -
3.7/10 with 15 votes
1. Enter `iddqd` or `idkfa` while anywhere in the game.
2. The game will pause and display the credit screens.
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