"Sydney" Revision History -
7.0/10 with 8 votes
If you search the help for the word "Sydney" you can access the help topic "Sydney Revision History" which appears to be rollout notes for an author's dog.
Ren from "Ren and Stimpy" -
5.6/10 with 7 votes
1. Launch FreeHand 5.0
2. Select Help from menu bar
3. Hold the Ctrl key down
4. Click on "About FreeHand..." while holding ctrl key down
5. Enjoy!
Crazy Sayings -
5.4/10 with 19 votes
1. Open the "FileSaver" control panel
2. Holding down the control, option and command keys simultaneously, click on the version number under the "lifesaver" icon
3. Repeat above step to see more crazy sayings
Road Runner -
5.2/10 with 20 votes
1. Start FreeHand
2. Hold Down Shift+Option+Apple click on AppleMenu and about FreeHand
3. In about window start clicking anywhere
and the fun begins.
Random Colored Lines -
4.2/10 with 8 votes
1. Start Freehand 7.0
2. Under the apple menu, select about Freehand
3. Hold down the option key and click!
4. Holding the option key down while clicking will start more lines
5. If the OK button gets covered up remember that you can push enter...
Just Another Brick in the Wall -
3.6/10 with 5 votes
Hold CTL-SHIFT-CMD and select About Freehand from the Apple Menu.
Enjoy your egg.
Devlopment Team Photos -
3.5/10 with 12 votes
1. Go to help menu
2. Press and hold ctrl
3. While holding control go to about
4. Development Team Photos
5. In different versions it gives different images
read or post
Zebra Girl -
2.8/10 with 8 votes
1. Hold down the OPTION key
2. Select "About MacPaint..." from the Apple menu