Hitchiker's Guide -
8.4/10 with 5 votes
1. Size the main window so you can see the desktop.
2. Type anything into the find box (e.g. your name) and click apply.
3. Create a new text file on the desktop and rename it to ZAPHOD.42
4. Drag it into the Tracker window.
5. Look at the icon...
Add Spikes to Animation -
7.5/10 with 2 votes
1. Open Ewan
2. Click Help|About
3. Double-click with the right mouse button to add spikes to the animation
Animation -
7.0/10 with 2 votes
1. Start Ewan
2. Select Help | About
3. Double click the animation
Credits -
6.7/10 with 3 votes
1. Launch Eudora and go to Help/About
2. Click the More Credits button
3. When the scrolling starts, press the CTRL key to see the names
Speed Up the Credit Display (Eudora Lite) -
6.5/10 with 2 votes
1. Goto Help|About
2. Click on "More Credit" button
3. When it starts scrolling, press Shift key to speed up the scrolling.
read or post
Funny Install Message -
6.2/10 with 5 votes
1. When you first install Eudora Light, you have at the right of the Help Menu, an extra menu called "Eudora Pro" which give you informations about Eudora Pro Software
2. You can remove
this menu choosing the command menu "Remove this menu"
3. Note...