Fish -
8.1/10 with 43 votes
go into the help menu, click on 'about dev-c++...'. Then click and drag the really flash dev-c++ logo onto the authors button and a fish should appear, and if you click on the fish, it will change direction.
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The Dev-C++ Easter Egg -
6.7/10 with 117 votes
1. Open the "about" window
2. Drag the Dev-C++ icon (on the upper-left corner) to the "Authors..." button. The icon on the button should change to an easter egg.
3. Right click on the same button and let the egg begin...
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Hongli Lai -
4.8/10 with 17 votes
1. Click on help,about Dev-C++
2. Drag the dev icon onto the Authors button, it will turn into an egg
3. Right click on it
4. Click on "Let's the egg begin"
5. Click yes
6. There will be a little window that shows the main developer of the program...