Autocad 2005 Development Team -
7.5/10 with 44 votes
In AutoCAD 2005, open the Layer Properties Manager Dialog (command layer), Hold down Shift+Ctrl and select the ‘Invert Filter’ button, sit back and enjoy.
Release 2000 Team -
5.7/10 with 275 votes
1. Select "Dimension style" from the Dimension toolbar, or go to the dimension pull down menu and select "style"
2. Hold down Control+Shift
3. Click on the Preview graphic area of the Dimension style manager box.
4. A movie will pop up in a new window...
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Release 14 Team -
5.7/10 with 292 votes
1. Select "About AutoCAD" from the Help menu
2. Hold down Control+Shift
3. Click in the graphic area of the help box displayed
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Hidden Developer's Aliases in Setup1.dll on AutoCAD R13 -
5.0/10 with 1 votes
To locate, this is what you do:
1) Pop in your setup disk or download R13 (from Vetusware)
2) Open Microsoft Visual C++ (or whatever C++ compiler you use)
3) Open Setup1.DLL
4) Enjoy!
This egg contains the followings on lines 000040 to 0000c0:
AutoCAD R14 Bonus Eggs -
4.4/10 with 9 votes
1. Select 'Bonus' in the pull-down menu
2. Select 'About Bonus Tools.'
3. On the About box, click first on the middle button 'Bonus', then, double-click on the red 'O' of Bonus to see the Bonus contributors list.
Growing Windows -
3.4/10 with 177 votes
1. right-click on any tool bar
2. click in any area on the toolbars pop up
3. repeat step 2 many times!
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