Magnus? -
7.1/10 with 99 votes
Watch the movie Matilda.
Notice the painting of Magnus.
This is actually an old painting of Ruald Dahl, ho rote the book Matilda. It was drawn during his years as a fighter pilot in WW1.
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The Author's Wife -
5.7/10 with 6 votes
Miss Honey's doll that Matilda steals from the Trunchbull's house is named Liccy Doll. Roald Dahl, who wrote the story that the movie is based off of, was married to a woman named Liccy; so now we have liccy doll in the movie and Liccy Dahl in real life.
Lissy Doll -
5.2/10 with 61 votes
In the movie, Ms. Honey's doll is named Lissy Doll. When my sister Brooke and I were watching the end of the movie, we noticed that Lissy Doll is actually the name of the director.
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