In episode 13, where Light is being called for some remarkable news about the "fake Kira," an old journal with a hidden message for Light, the real Kira. If you pause at exactly 2:00, above the journal message Light reads out loud: "Confirmed our Shinigami...
In the episode where L meets Misa on To-Oh University Campus, he touches her butt and takes her phone. When she is leaving, Light makes an attempt to call her. When his call gets through, listen to the ringtone. The camera pans to L, andd Misa's ringtone...
All you have to do to find this egg is watch the episodes of Death Note that have the first ending [with the song "The WORLD" by Nightmare] and Misa is in the ending since the first episode, BEFORE she was even in the series. It's in seconds 45-48 of...