Free Credit Easter Eggs

pic Reference to Other FCR Commercial - 6.1/10 with 9 votes
in the FCR commercial where the guy gets a crappy car, you can see a pirate hat from the one where his i.d. is stolen. Here it is: When it zooms in on the guitar player, you can see the pirate hat beside him.
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Another pirate hat! - 4.0/10 with 4 votes
Watch the advertisement where they're at the renaissance fair. they sing: "first came here with the pirate hats" and instead of a cymbal on the drums, there will be a pirate hat.

It's the Old Lady - 3.4/10 with 5 votes
In the new Free Credit Commercial where he buys a bike, it show an old crossing guard frowningat him. In the pirate one you see this old couple eating. If you look closly, you can see it's the crossing guard.

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