Easter Egg and Taxi -
7.1/10 with 949 votes
1. Go to Preferences, General Tab
2. Draw a small circle, counter-clockwise, on the screen right above the calculator silk-screen button. If done properly, you should see an Easter Egg appear.
3. Now, hold down the page down button in any application...
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Handspring Visor - Cartwheeling "Flip" Guy -
7.0/10 with 157 votes
1. Go to the main category.
2. while holding the up button tap the time tab next to the battery indicator.
3. watch flip do cartwheels across the screen in color.
This works from other categories as well
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Fake Error Message -
6.7/10 with 232 votes
1. Go to Apps and select the Giraffe game.
2. Touch & hold the stylus at the top of the screen.
3. Press the down button.
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Credits (v.3.1.1) -
6.5/10 with 202 votes
1.Go to App.
2.Tap Info.
3.Hold your stylus on the word Info at the top.
4.Press the down key.
Credits are fun!
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Palm Os Backdoors -
6.2/10 with 6 votes
1.) Turn on your handheld
2.) Go to the HotSync menu
3.) Press the up or down key while pressing the top-right or bottom-right part of the screen
4.) The up button makes a window come up
The down button makes the screen fill with gobbledy-gook
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Picture in "Girraffe" -
6.2/10 with 251 votes
1. Start the game Girraffe
2. Hold the pointer in the lower right coner of the screen
3. Press the page up button
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Credits (v2.0) -
5.8/10 with 90 votes
1. Go to Memory
2. Hold stylus on memory tab (top left)
3. Press the page down key
4. Flying letters reveal those responsible
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ICQ Picture -
5.8/10 with 51 votes
1. Start ICQ session on Palm
2. On main ICQ screen tap with your pen on right bottom corner just above "Send..." button
3. If you find a right spot you will get a picture of two girls
Dancing Palm Tree -
5.7/10 with 162 votes
1. Go to Apps and select the Giraffe game
2. Touch Help
3. Draw the # symbol (a dot followed by a backward capital N) in the graffiti area.
4. Repeat as often as desired to see the dancing tree.
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Inchworm -
5.6/10 with 286 votes
· Tap Applications, then Prefs.
· In the Graffiti writing area, make the # symbol
(a dot followed by a backward capital N).
· After about 10 seconds, it should inch across
the screen (formed of boldface slashes and a
little "o" for the head).
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