Doors, The Easter Egg - Robby Krieger

In the scene where a record producer is soliciting The Doors after playing at the Whiskey, a person walks through a doorway and across the screen from left to right in the background. That person is Robby Krieger, the guitar player for The Doors. I'm still looking for Ray...

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  7.1/10 with 34 votes
Contributed By: Dave on 04-08-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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pepperpot writes:
You won't find Ray Manzarek in this film. He has been quoted as saying he didn't want to be involved in it in any way, because it distorts the truth.
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morgue anna writes:
you have to remember that this is an Oliver Stone creation, and most of his movies are a bit distorted in the truth. he is a great director though
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