Pinnochio (Disney) Easter Egg - Hidden Mickey

After Gepetto comes downstairs and discovers Pinocchio, there is a pan shot where Gepetto passes a chair whose back is shaped like the distinct Mickey Mouse silhouette. My wife says it is a coincidence, but I disagree, especially after surfing to this site. I think it's a hidden Mickey. It seems like an awfully unlikely shape to make a chair, if you ask me.

I do have one doubt, however: the silhouette shape looks like the logo Disney uses today. Back when Pinocchio was released, was Disney using this logo? Had they even thought of it yet? What do you think?

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 55 votes
Contributed By: Moffitar on 04-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Watch the movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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WSP writes:
Yes, the logo has always been the same, that explains the Mickey hats people used to wear (because they hardly buy it now). And yes, it's a hidden Mickey, there's at least one, at least, in every Disney Movies, I mean in the cartoon ones, I don't know bout the real life, but I don't doubt it :-) Those guys are obsessed!
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tnkrbell1981 writes:
Yes,that's very interesting. All Disney movies have hidden Mickeys. Did you know that there are also hidden Mickeys all over Disney World and maybe even Disneyland? Pretty cool stuff,huh?
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