Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Easter Egg - Tannoy Anouncement in Spaceport

In the episode "A Dream of Jennifer", there is an announcement in the New Chicago spaceport stating "Captain Christopher Pike to the veterans lounge please." Any good trek fan knows that Pike was the first Captain of the origional Starship Enterprise.

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Contributed By: James Allan Kynes on 04-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A TV and ears.
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Buster writes:
I’ll need help here from other Buck Rodgers fans, but as I recall, I’ve heard other names paged at Space Ports such as Adam Strange (a Science Fiction character from DC comics.) Also there is a nifty episode with a cameo by Buster Crabb who played Flash Gordon in the old serials. I believe he said to Gil Gerard, “I was doing this sort of thing before you were born...”
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Mathi writes:
Buster Crabb as well as playing Flash Gordon, acted as Buck Rogers. He and his young sidekick were in a hotair balloon over the arctic when there was an accident. An experimental gas was released and they were frozen for 500 years.
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Al Hartman writes:
In that episode, Buster Crabbe's character is Colonel Gordon, and tells Buck that he has been doing this kind of stuff years before he was born. Of course Buck gives him a knowing smile..
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Peter Bull writes:
Captain Christopher Pike was the SECOND captain of the original Enterprise, the first being Robert April (featured in Star Trek:The Animated Series) and also in the Stat Trek Time Line.
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Provider writes:
Captain Christopher Pike was the FIRST captain of the Enterprise. The animated series and 'The timeline' are not sanctioned as part of what paramount considers Trek Evolution. The original PILOT of the show had Captain Pike, and I'm sure Gene, god rest his soul, would agree that Pike was the first captain ever formed in his mind. - Go back to your cartoon and keep an eye out for those Orion Pirates that don't exist either
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numberjack writes:
OK - Pike WAS the second captain of the Enterprise, because when Gene created the pilot, he used Pike, and insisted that this was a "broken in " ship on its second 5 year mission, not it maiden voyage. Thus it had a first captain, not Pike, becuase that was Pike's first 5 year mission, according Gene's notes. Gene never said Robert April was the first captain, even though most trekkers (not trekkies) accept it. But Pike was the second Captain, Kirk was the third.
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deadlyKewl writes:
Look, all these guys are right. Pike was the SECOND captain. The first captain of the Enterprise was indeed Robert April. Beyond the time-line and the animated episode, there were TWO excellent Trek novels featuring Captain April (AND James T.'s dad George Kirk. A starfleet security officer) He was not only was he her first captain, he was instrumental in forging Starfleet into the the peacekeeping/exploratory force it was destined to become instead of an instrument of war it COULD have been. And HE was the one who chose Pike for command to succeed him too, i believe.
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Soukey writes:
According to "The Making Of Star Trek" Gene Roddenberry's original idea was Captain Robert April of the USS Yorktown. The ship name was changed first to Enterprise making it Captain Robert April of the USS Enterprise. Later April was changed to Pike. Since then, Trek-lore has accepted April as the first captain of the Enterprise and Pike her second but it has not yet been confirmed in a (live) episode or movie. Officially Pike is just the captain before Kirk and we don't know if Pike was the Enterprise's first captain or twenty first.
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Buster, the same episode, also mentions a flight to what sounds like Arrakis.
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russ writes:
How did a Buck Rogers egg, turn into a star trek discussion? Any way, am I right in thinking the little robots voice was performed by Mel Blanc, veteran of the warner bros cartoons?
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Mad Macky writes:
Not to be picky or anything but the actual first captain of the Enterprise was/is Jonathan Archer as shown in 'Enterprise'. Although admittidedly this is the Starship Enterprise NX-01 and not NCC-1701 but just to add my two cents/pence worth!
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The Troy writes:
Since hitting 40, the years have quickly turned the old grey matter to mush. Then a ray of hope breaks thru. I can't count the number of times I've seen these episodes thru the years, but to catch an e-egg AND have it be a Star Trek reference,(I am a long-time trekker) well, its the little things!
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acidpeas writes:
Am I right in thinking that the first capt of "The StarShip enterprise" john Archer?
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