Golden Eye 007 Easter Egg - At Last, the Button Codes! (NOT AN EGG)

Input all of these codes whilst playing the game, without pausing. Keeping trying, it works! Hold the shoulder buttons first, then press the C button or D pad thatfollows. Then move onto next step.


L + D down, R + C right, R + C up, L + D right, L + C down, R + C up, L + D right, R + D down, L + D left, L + R + C right

Plus you can use this code to complete the game, including the bonus levels, and your N64 won't know you are cheating!

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 883 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-06-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: An N64, Goldeneye and the will to live
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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mike writes:
Yeah this code is sooooo cool. I thought there weren't any button codes at all. Thanks a lot for this.
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Brentley writes:
There are more codes than just this... here they are! The following codes are entered during normal gameplay: All Guns: L Button + R Button + Down L Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Down L Button + C-Down R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum Ammunition (not infinite) L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up R Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Down R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Mode R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisibility R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up R Button + Up L Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisibility in Multiplayer L Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + C-Left R Button + Up L Button + C-Right R Button + C-Left L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following codes must be entered on the Mission Select Screen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Facility L Button + R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Left L Button + Left R Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Right R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Runway L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Left L Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Down R Button +C-Right R Button + Right L Button + Down R Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Surface I R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + Up R Button + Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + Right L Button +C-Right L Button + R Button + Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Bunker I L Button + C-Down R Button + Right L Button + C-Right R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Left L Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Up R Button + C-Right L Button + Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Silo L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + C-Up R Button + Right R Button + Right R Button +C-Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Frigate R Button + C-Up L Button + Down R Button + C-Right L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Right R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Surface 2 L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Left L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + Down L Button + C-Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Bunker 2 L Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Right L Button + C-Left R Button + Right L Button + C-Up L Button + Left L Button + C-Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Statue L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + Left R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Down R Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Archives R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Right L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + Up R Button + C-Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Streets L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Down R Button + Left R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Up L Button + Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Depot L Button + Down L Button + Down R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Right R Button + C-Left L Button + Down L Button + C-Left L Button + C-Right L Button + Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Train R Button + Left R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Right L Button + R Button + Left L Button + Right R Button + C-Down L Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Up L Button + C-Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Jungle R Button + C-Down R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up R Button + Right R Button + Down R Button + Down R Button + Up R Button + C-Left R Button + C-Up L Button + R Button + Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Control Center L Button + C-Down R Button + Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Right R Button + C-Down R Button + Left R Button + Left R Button + C-Up R Button + Left L Button + R Button + C-Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Caverns L Button + Down R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Right R Button + C-Up R Button + C-Left R Button + Up L Button + C-Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Cradle L Button + R Button + C-Up L Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + Down L Button + C-Up L Button + Down R Button + Right R Button + C-Up L Button + C-Left R Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following cheat activation codes must be entered on the Cheat Menu. If you enter the code correctly, you will hear a beep. Exit the Cheat Menu, then return to the Cheat Menu for the new cheat to appear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Paintball Cheat L Button + Up C-Up R Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Up R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up L Button + C-Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Invincibility Cheat (oh joy!) R Button + Left L Button + Down Left Up Down R Button + C-Left L Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Right L Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate DK Mode Cheat L Button + R Button + Up C-Right R Button + Left R Button + Up Up R Button + Right Up L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + R + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate 2X Grenade Launcher Cheat R Button + Down R Button + Up Right L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + Right R Button + Left Left Down Up R Button + C-Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate 2X Rocket Launcher Cheat R Button + Right L Button + Up Down Down R Button + C-Down L Button + Left L Button + C-Left R Button + Up R Button + Down R Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Turbo Mode Cheat L Button + Down L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up R Button + C-Down Left R Button + Down L Button + C-Down Up R Button + Down L Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate No Radar Cheat [Multi] R Button + Up C-Down C-Left C-Up L Button + Down R Button + Up C-Left Right R Button + Left R Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Tiny Bond Cheat L Button + R Button + Down R Button + Down L Button + C-Down Left R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Down Right Down R Button + C-Down R Button + Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate 2X Throwing Knives Cheat R Button + C-Left L Button + Left Up L Button + R Button + Right Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Left R Button + Down R Button + Left R Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Fast Animation Cheat L Button + C-Down L Button + C-Left C-Down C-Right C-Left L Button + R Button +Right C-Right L Button + R Button +Up R Button +C-Left L Button +Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Bond Invisible Cheat L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + C-Left R Button + C-Left R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left L Button + Right Left L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Enemy Rockets Cheat L Button + R Button + C-Down C-Left R Button + C-Down C-Down C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up C-Down R Button + Up L Button +Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Slow Animation Cheat L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Down L Button + R Button + Left C-Right L Button + R Button +Down L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Down C-Left C-Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Silver PP7 Cheat L Button + Left L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Right L Button + R Button + Up L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Left L Button + R Button + Down C-Down L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate 2X Hunting Knives Cheat R Button + C-Down L Button + Right R Button + C-Left R Button + Right L Button + R Button +Right L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Down R Button + Left L Button + Right L Button + C-Left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Infinite Ammo Cheat L Button + C-Left L Button + R Button + Right C-Right C-Left R Button + Left L Button + C-Down L Button + R Button +Left L Button + R Button +C-Down L Button +Up C-Right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate 2X RCP-90s Cheat Up Right L Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + Up L Button + C-Left L Button + Left C-Right C-Up L Button + R Button + Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Gold PP7 Cheat L Button + R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Down L Button + Up L Button + R Button + Down C-Up R Button + Up L Button + R Button + Right L Button + Left Down L Button + C-Down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate 2X Lasers Cheat L Button + Right L Button + R Button + C-Left L Button + Down R Button + Left R Button + Down L Button + Right C-Up Right R Button + Right L Button + R Button + Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate All Guns Cheat Down Left C-Up Right L Button +Down L Button +Left L Button +Up C-Left Left C-Down
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poop writes:
All these cheats work and are awesome, finally after many years people discovered button cheats.
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bezerker writes:
I honestly did not even think of seeing the day that these sort of codes will arrive. Who ever posted these on here : You're a legend, and we all praise you
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Eric writes:
I'll agree with bezerker on that one.
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rangeviper writes:
I'll probably get booed out of here, but I think you should only be able to get the codes by beating the time cheats. It's a lot more satisfying then being given the codes. The only reason I say this is because that's how I got them, by doing the time cheats, so maybe if I hadn't done it myself, I'd feel the way everyone else does about posting the button codes.
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Psycho Ivan writes:
It's sad that all these comments have been praising these button cheats. Sure, cheats are funny, but you should have to earn them, especially ones such as invinsibility, which really effect the game. I mean, what's the point of buying a game if you don't want the challenge? I've done the whole game in 00 agent, and the only two cheats I don't have are silver PP7 and 2xRCP90. It was quite hard, and took me over a year, but it was far from impossible and it is very rewarding to know that I'd earned it. I can't understand why so many people post cheats on this easter eggs site - they are two very different things. One is something that makes a game easier, although often at the price of gameplay and longevity, and one is a funny little joke of some sort left in by the programmers, having no real effect on the program. I agree that certain cheats, such as paintball, etc., which don't effect gameplay could be considered easter eggs of a sort, but blatent cheats to make the game easier are pointless, unless you've already played the game all the way through and want to mess around for five minutes. I know most of you disagree with me, but who's going to stop me saying what I feel?
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Muglio writes:
The button codes can be a plus or a minus depending on how you think about it. Some of you said that there shouldn't be any button codes because cheats need to be earned. But just know that there are some people (not necessarily me)who just get a kick out the idea that they have all the weapons or invincibility while playing a level. Therefore, my opinion is that the codes should be there and if you don't want them, don't use them. Some people really appreciate their existence. Trust me.
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Slayer writes:
Whoever found these codes is a complete and utter GOD !!!!! I praise the ground you walk upon whoever you are. ThankYou!!!!
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Randy Ross writes:
Whoever you are you are a dude and should be called sir anonymous!! you are a true GOD!!!
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Gasgano writes:
I tried entering All Guns (I don't have the Egyptian temple) and it wouldn't work. Maybe I need the levels.
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elray writes:
I agree with you Ivan, to a point. Cheats do ruin the accomplishment of beating a game for real. But (and no offense) some of us don't sit in front of the n64 all day playing games and have tried our best and can't beat some of those nearly-impossible levels on our own. In fact, I had put my n64 away in the basement until I got these cheats, and now I'm really into it. I thank whoever found these cheats greatly, now I can have fun with it again.
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Eggsofsteel writes:
these are all from another website of course it is a nice adition to this site it really is unfair for the copy and paster of this text to steal the credit for all the hard work put in from the people at
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Eggsofsteel writes:
oh and by the way if you think i am lying i want to say these cheats were out on the website listed above the first month that the game came out
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Eggsofsteel writes:
the line mode button code is cool but you should have to earn it
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rangeviper writes:
Actually Eggsofsteel, there is no way to earn line mode in the game. You can earn the other cheats (invincibility, slow animation, etc), but there is no time cheat for line mode.
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Saiyan Man writes:
Stop Praising this guy, These codes were in Nintendo Power and on other web sites and unless this guy works for Rare he shouldn't get this mutch praise.
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Stuart Reed writes:
Thanks for the cheats! They are cool, even if you copied them or not. This is the only website I have found them on. I say thanks, but I am now so lazy that I use the cheats every time I play the game. Thanks and THANKS for the great cheats that make my game playing time so much more fun
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neil writes:
This is just my opinion, so let me say this i just read about this site in a magazine and thought it might be worth my time then i came across this, my opinion on this portion is that this game is like 3-4 years old (I know someone will correct me on the # of years) and in my opinion most people beat the game and don't care, just my opinion
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neil writes:
oh yeah and this is an egg site not code site.
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TBCIV writes:
I agree with Saiyan Man, These Cheats were revealed by Nintendo and are not secret. I serverly doudt that anyone could Have figured these out. Only people who made and programed the game would have know these. Don't give praise where it's not due. Thank Nintendo for finally releasing them.
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Ash Ketchum writes:
Jeez, guys, ever hear of a dandy little gadget called Gameshark? It can do everything you just listed except unlock single player levels. But it can do all that and about 50000000000000000000000(too many veros) times more. Get one, wont ya? $30.
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Michael writes:
i think that if you earn the "cheats" by beating the time codes they aren't cheats since you earned them
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jd writes:
i have tried these cheats and they do not work for me i have tried them several times and as how it is said like doing it in the cheat file and i have also tried using the D pad and the little joy stick on the controller has anone got any ideas for what i am doing wrong
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Alan Kalter writes:
I'm one of those people who doesn't like playing a game without cheats. I suck at all games. Even some of the easy ones. But I like what Rare did for this. You have to play the game WITHOUT cheats to get the full effect, to earn the cheats. These cheats are for those that are either: A)impatiant or B)Really bad at games like me. I don't know what this all means, cause as I look back at this message it just don't make sense. If it makes sense to you good. if it doesn't, BACK OFF!!!
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shawn writes:
Somebody said "Why buy the game if you dont want the challenge? Well, why buy a game that is going to p*** you off all the time from not being able to beat near impossible levels. And besides, having to earn cheats is dumb because if you are good enough at the game to earn the cheats, then you don't need the cheats!!
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catsimboy writes:
You guys are full of it. This was published in a nintendo power magazine and the put in Tips&Tricks. I blow my nose at you, so called eegs user, you and all your silly english knnnnnnnnnnnnnigits!
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phetste writes:
i agree with catimsboy on this one, they were in nintendo power
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RLF writes:
Who cares if they were in Nintendo Power.I've seen these same codes on other sites,too.Brentley had the opportunity to put them on this site,so he did.It's not like he's claiming he's the person who found them all.
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bezerker writes:
Many of the people here are saying that the codes should not be realeased because it ruins the challenge of gettign the cheats manually. Newsflash people, Golden Eye has been out for a number of years, and the majority of players, are sick to death of tring to get the cheats, and missing by 2 seconds, so we chuck the game out for a while, and put it in the back of the closet, me included. So when I found these codes, my interest for Goldeneye was revitilised, and i am still playing it a month later. So if you dont want tthe codes do use them, or read them, if you do, then whats the problem. And for the people who says that the person who put them on the site, did not find then, and so shoudl not recieve the credit, who cares????? I dont, the guy is still a GOD, im sure if you put them on here, you would want some credit, so back off!!! Ok, so summing up, Golden Eye on N64 is the best game eveer made, and will remain the same for many years to come.
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Jason writes:
Well, seeing as this has turned into more of a philosophical discussion about cheats, earning them versus button codes, I might as well make a post as well. I'm going to have to agree with both sides on this one, because the issue is purely based on each individual player. On one hand, you have those who think that having button codes isn't "right," and that the codes should be rewards for the time trials in the levels. This is true, to a point. How much enjoyment can you truly get out of a game, how much challenge and excitement, if you're invulnerable, invisible, hyperactively fast, and toting a shotgun in one hand and a rocket launcher in the other? (That's another "cheat," by the way, which I'm surprised to see hasn't shown up here. I'd post it... but I don't care.) The fun of a game like Goldeneye is based on the action and the adrenaline rush you get from dodging bullets, strafing the bad guy and ducking behind objects as some soldier with a machine gun tries to turn you into swiss cheese. How are you supposed to get that feel, that rush, if you can just stand there and laugh at the guards as they empty several thousand rounds into you and you don't lose a single hit point? It ruins the game, and if you play the game for the sheer enjoyment of watching guards fall to the ground, spurting blood and clutching their organs as they die, then you're a sick, twisted f**k and should stop playing the game. On the other hand, though, being able to use some cheats without having to earn them is a good thing, for three reasons. The first reason I can think of, obviously, is that some people NEED these cheats. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can honestly say that they've never played a game in which they got stuck in a certain place and wished they had a key, more money, a map, a guide, more ammo, or some other form of divine intervention to complete an area. Anyone who plays through an entire game using Godmode is an idiot, but sometimes you just need that extra push to get through an area. I know plenty of people who love the game, but simply don't have the skills it takes to complete some of the more more difficult levels towards the end of the game, or even just a certain part of one of the "easier" levels. It helps to turn on Godmode, and walk through the area of difficulty to see just what, exactly, you need to do. The second point is that some of us just plain aren't FAST enough to get those stupid time trials! You try and try and try and try, and you're always off by just a few seconds. Nothing's more frustrating than losing a cheat by .04 of a second. Having the option of entering the cheats by the controller adds, not takes away from, the game. After all, what good are cheats if you need the hands of a hyperactive eight-year-old hopped up on Pixi Stix and Skittles to get them, and therefore don't have them? The last point is the one I use cheats for: fun. Oh, sure, earning the time trials is fine and dandy, but if you just want to play to have fun, and you're not able to beat all of the time trials to get the cheats you want, entering them through the controller is a nice option. The time trials are there for those who want an extra challenge, and a good reward; the button-entry is for the rest of us who simply aren't fast enough. Heck, sometimes I just want to play a level through using nothing but throwing knives, or that watch-laser thing, or even rocket launchers. (I don't like explosive weapons that much, but when a level I'm trying to beat gets me annoyed, going through and wasting everyone is a nice stress reliever. Try it sometime.) I'll admit now that I can't beat a good number of the levels in the required times, and until all of the cheats were posted here (and elsewhere, for everyone who's screaming), there was no way of getting them. Now that I have them, I think I'll go around and start killing things using the interesting cheat codes. After all, that's what they're there for; fun for some, reward for a challenge for others.
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Webmaster writes:
If you want to have a philosophical discussion, please take it to the Discussion Board. That is a much better forum for that kind of conversation. All comments posted here should directly apply to this submission only. Thanks!
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talie writes:
You can get codes to any N64 game. Just go to Type in "where can I find cheat codes for nintendo 64 games?" and go from there.
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I am so happy that these cheats were released. I had no chance of getting all the cheats using the old ways. And, could you people stop bagging the people that praise the person that posted the cheats. I live in Australia and all of the magazines that were mentioned that contained those cheats were never released!!!
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Gul Dukat writes:
Well, people who use God mode throughout the entirety of a game are not idiots. They just don't like challenges. And thank you to whoever posted these cheats. I've seen them before, and this guy was just trying to bring these cheats to a place where they may not have reached yet. Don't yell at him.
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Eggsofsteel writes:
there are much cooler cheat codes at and for playstation at and for even newer stuff go to
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Bryan writes:
OK just to get something straight you all are being stupid!!!! NO ONE hacked the game or anything to get these codes. NINTENDO and RARE finally released these codes to spark the interest back into the old-time Goldeneye fans (and new ones)that just wanted to have some more fun. Also with the cheats on in the menu (you all should know this) you cannot play the levels you have not beaten!! so this isn't like do the code and breeze through the game!! SO please everyone understand now the people you are reffering to as gods is not the person that posted this but NINTENDO and RARE are. I know this because i got some newsletter thing straight form NINTENDO and they said it. So give credit to where it belongs!! Thank you
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Ice Viper writes:
I agree with half of you and to the other half I say screw you! These button codes are the best thing that ever happened to Golden Eye! Who cares if you had to copy and paste them from another site. I own all of the James Bond games and I am freekin' tired of missing the little time cheat things by .05 of a second. Thank who ever put these cheats on here. If you are against the codes being on here don't use them! The rest of us have lives and don't want to spend 3 years to unlock All Weapons Cheat.
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Ice Viper writes:
(Sorry if I offended anyone)
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Ice Viper writes:
I can see both sides of the argument and I do agree that we shouldn't praise the guy to much. It doesn't matter if he copied them but it's not that hard to copy them and he shouldn't get to much credit. I do agree with using the cheats and I agree with that guy (Jason?) that posted the comment up there. I hate doing the time cheat whatever they are. We got a game shark and most of the button codes are worthless now.(you guys should get one)Oh, by the way I posted this little thing I found in The World is not Enough N-64 on here. I know someone on here is bound to start something so I'll come out and admit: IT IS NOT AN EGG,JUST A FUN LITTLE GLITCH TYPE DEAL. Unfortunately to access the glitch you must either have a Game Shark(that part is rather complicated and I'll post more about it later) or beat the stupid time cheats. I posted it under Computer/Games/ T.W.I.N.E. -Thank you, and have a nice day-
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Dan writes:
Just so you know, to get mixed weapons, you must have two of at least one weapon. Select the weapon so that only one gun is showing. next tap A , A, Z slowly. Also, to get three hands, go to the moonrake laser(or something like that...I sold my 007 game) and do the trick with the watch laser.
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Cheezit2000 writes:
O.K. err, well, don't know where to start. I will probably not matter in this discution at all, just feel like I have to get some say into it. First of all, i truely believe that this guy did not find the cheats first, infact i know so. I'm sure he has copied and pasted those (done it before my self for, ((check it out)) I was into Blitz 2000 and it seemed like the same format as the original Blitz so i figuered that the original codes worked for the new one, they did. So I copied and pasted the original codes into an e-mail i sent to them to pste the code, about 5 months ago, I am still getting praise though e-mail. I don't think it was that much troble to discover these codes...) So stop priasing this guy!!!! Second topic, for those who don't like the idea of button codes DON'T USE THEM!!! I for one am a cheater. Not because I'm bad, but because i want to get the full feeling and mysteries of the game before i have to take it back (Blockbuster, I am a Gold rewards memeber, rent 3 games a week usually and just bought my PS2 on valentines day, YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!). Third of all, this is amazing, the only people who could have found this stuff out is Rare themselves. They didn't find it tout though, they knew it already. They released it to Nintendo who then put it in their Nintendo Power (even though there is a possibility that this could've been figured out before Rare released it). Last but not least, please e-mail me when this coment is posted, i want to see all the coments i get. Oh yeah, and one more thing. Hire a crew of people to find some eggs for PS2!!! I am still the gamer i always have been... thanks! P.S. sorry about all the misspellings... that's probably one too! ------> Cheeze-it
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PhantomGamer writes:
Ok, I do know for a fact that it was one single person who discovered these codes. He did so with a Gameshark. I know the person who did it, however I can't remember his online handle. I do know that this person was a member of the Message Board. He used the gameshark, knowing that a certain byte corresponded to a certain button on the N64 controller. He then noticed a string of these button pushes, and voila he turned them into codes. At first when he posted them he only had a few, like open 3 different levels. Later on that week, there were tons upon tons of them. This was done before any of these codes showed up on any site, I was in on part of it. Still I wasn't able to find any, because I'm not the greatest GS Hacker ever to live LOL. I hope that clears up any confusion, or speculation about who found/created these cheats. Not any site, not Nintendo it was one single human being with a GameShark!
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I'm man of many a word I choose to use, only the ones most fit are to be used here... "Anyone who plays through an entire game using Godmode is an idiot" "The last point is the one I use cheats for: fun" "if you play the game for the sheer enjoyment of watching guards fall to the ground, spurting blood and clutching their organs as they die, then you're a sick, twisted f**k and should stop playing the game" "Now that I have them, I think I'll go around and start killing things using the interesting cheat codes. After all, that's what they're there for; fun for some, reward for a challenge for others." Jason, I do not understand what you meant by having a philosophical discussion, and then having to say these things; it is you who needs help, not others.
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Psycho Ivan writes:
He he. This is quite funny. I was just looking at that comment I did all that time ago. I got quite emotional, didn't I? I feel a lot less strongly about people cheating these days, although I agree playing through a game on god mode is stupid. I think the main reason I got so into it was that I knew that if the cheat was possible to attain via a button code, I probably would have used it, and that would have removed all motivation for me to gain it through playing the game more than is healthy, which I found very rewarding (yes, whoever it was who implied I was a sad freak who sits indoors all day playing computer games, you're right. At least I was like that when I did that comment. Not now, though). Now I don't really care, especially since I don't play games much any more. That is all.
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EeggHead writes:
I'm pretty sure the original poster new all the codes (after reading them some where) but decided to only post the best one ( a typical cheater's opinion). Then, another poster gave us the rest of the codes. They never claimed to have figured them out by themselves, so don't yell at them for taking credit. The people who are praising them probably saw these codes here for the first time. Anyway, I doubt that these codes could have been figured out...even with gameshark. With gameshark, you can only see the sequence of buttons. You can't tell where you are supposed to press them or what they'll do. I do remember around the first year the game came out someone told me they had found button codes. They actually wrote two of them down on a piece of paper. They didn't tell me where to input them, so I figured they were fake. I don't have the paper anymore to tell if they were the same as these codes here. I do know that Rare finally released the codes because the game is old and it brought back interest. By this time, if you haven't earned the cheats, you probably weren't going to anyway, so these cheats are a good thing. You could do what I did, and keep an old file (where you earned the cheats), and start a new file (where you use the button cheats). People that complain about the button cheats are upset because now their skills can't be proved. Having cheats before meant that you earned them, an impressive feat. Now you can't tell if they did it the cheap way or not. A previous message said that you still can't beat the levels with the cheats. That's not entirely true. There are special "in-game" cheats that you can activate while playing a level and turn off before you beat it. You will get credit for beating the level. If you activate the normal cheats before starting a level, you won't be able to pick a level that you haven't beaten yet. As for the line mode and multiplayer invisibility codes, these can only be activated through the button codes or gameshark (i first used them with gameshark). Gameshark does offer some other interesting things, like the ability to play the entire multiplayer facility, archives, and caverns levels and use four people on previously three-person-only levels (although it does screw up if two people start on top of each other). You can even play multiplayer statue and cradle levels. I can see why they didn't keep the multiplayer statue level in the can walk through certain hills. But the cradle level is awesome, and it's the only multiplayer level where it makes sense to use sniper rifles. You can even fall down to the bottom (you need the walk through doors gameshark code) and fight on the sky. A fun thing to do when playing with people who don't know the codes is activating the in-game multiplayer invisibility button code without telling them. Only you will trun invisible, and there's no message to warn people. You can still see your hand on your side of the screen, so they can't tell. They'll only be able to tell when they can't see you on their screen..but then again, they just might assume that you got the jump on them, or that they're just not facing in the right direction. They will eventually figure it out though. It's still funny. Anyway, I'm rambling on, and this message isn't very organized. I made my point though. I think.
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Dr.Ian writes:
Heh... My name is Dr. Ian (from and a moderator and, makers of the AR (the european equivilent of the GS - GameShark) and a mod at the bestest AR site on the net - I'll call the AR the GS now not to confuse anyone). First I want to say I completed the game and got all the cheats before I ever touched it with a GS. I bought the GS not to cheat, but because of all the "beta" things that are present in N64 games, specifically Goldeneye. Statue/cradle on multiplayer not to mention other levels. In fact, the european version has GS codes to unlock nearly all single player levels in multiplayer. I've played a deathmatch on Aztec. This is the exact reason I bought the GS in the first place. The codes... the codes... most of the technical people above have got it right to varying degrees. I was able to generate a sequence of codes from the existing button code (all mutli characters) and then find more codes by searching RAM for that sequence and finding any subsequent ones. The perseon who said that I would not know where to activate them was also right. I only found the first three to start with. The others I didn't have a clue. I figured out the beeping sound on the meun - but my file was complete so it took me a while to figure that one out. The problem is there was only a limited amount of possible places where they could be activated, and there was a pointer tree in memory so I also knew which ones where activated in the same places as other ones... but I won't go in to the details. I sent them all off to N64 Magazine, a brittish publications, in exchange for a prize. I didn't post them much on the internet, but they got around and in the same month where also published in other nintendo magazines. Rareware suddenly claimed to have 'released' the codes because they don't like the questions that the GS causes (ever heard of 'citadel' for instance? It's a GS byproduct) so they didn't want people to find out that they were hacked. If you want to talk to me (you freaks), just hop along to and find me. I've worked on a few other GS-related projects but nothing quite as good. Remember: The GS isn't a cheating device, it's a hacking device.
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Silent Bob writes:
I'm believe that because these codes were release 3 years after the game was, and also after 2 similar 1st person shooters (TWINE and PD), that it's okay to release these codes. After Perfect Dark was released, Goldeneye was dead in my house. I've given up on trying to earn the cheats in Goldeneye. I had been working on Perfect Dark, earning cheats like Invincibility (which is soooo much easier than in Goldeneye, thank you Rare) and Unlimited Ammo w/o reloads (a new cheat, and probably the coolest one). Goldeneye had collected so much dust that I thought it might not work when I put it in again. With the release of these push-button codes, Rare has not only revitalized Goldeneye, but they have also brought back sales for the game, a brilliant marketing strategy. Had Rare included these codes, but released them the day Goldeneye came out, I would have been bored with the game even more quickly. Let's say that the average life span of Goldeneye was...2 years. By releasing these codes, Rare has extended the life another half-year to a year. Had they released it sooner, the life of the game pak would be around a year or so, lowering its overall value. If there were no codes, the life would be the standard 2 years. Okay, that's it for my example. Now to ask a question to all you anti-code junkies...I want your honest answer many of you were still avidly playing Goldeneye and trying to unlock codes at the release time of the push-button alternatives. If you answered "yes", then I feel sorry for you. You probably just got the game last year or so. If you answered "no", then my point has been proven. The World Is Not Enough probably does not have these codes at all, for it was not made by Rare. Perfect Dark, however, probably has these codes, and I'll be expecting their release this winter, around the time that Gamecube is released (which, by the way, will completely DESTROY Playstation 2). Disagree with me if you must, but I do know what I am talking about.
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StEwIe writes:
Does anyone here know if there is a cheat that'll unlock Egyptian? I just can't get to that level. Gracias!
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Plum writes:
what does being a girl change how good you become. anyway you dont need the buttons the games easy enough to complete inculding all cheats i did the game including all cheats in two weeks!!!! only difficult one is invisibility. the rest piss easy
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nimrod_103 writes:
What do you mean a legend? he heard them or found them somewhere and he put them on here, how is he a legend? and besides, you people must forget that they had the button cheat for all multiplayer characters out a long time ago. the additional charaters that the code gave you were charatcers named after the programmers of the game! you can tell this by beating the cradle level then watching the names in the credits! if nintendo released this 10-step cheat, they also programmed these 10-step cheats into the game probably with the intention of releasing them at a later time like Bryan said to spark the interest back into the game.
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Wallamanage writes:
Lo harken unto me and listen if thou be English. I do not know ye information for ye fact. But I read somewhere that ye Game Shark= Ye Action Replay
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Ah the good stuff! N64 Goldeneye was so awesome! Yes for everyone that wants to know the truth of the matter, Dr. Ian WAS the action replay hacker that released the button codes to us all. He posted it to N64 Magazine in the UK and it spread around like wildfire! NOT RARE OR NINTENDO! They like having secrets to there games, they probably would have never released the codes to us if they wanted to, but they didn't (bar the All-multi characters which dr Ian said was of use to find the rest) The codes were most likely for testing and left in as it's easier and quicker than removing and having bugs to iron out. I also hacked the codes after learning that it was possible from Dr. Ian, (something i didnt know you could do with a Action Replay/GameShark at my noobish stage) for fun (I'm a hacker for N64 too) Ian Thompson I think his name was, found and released the codes that Rare and Nintendo didn't seem to have the want/need to do. Just like the Banjo-Kazooie sandcastle codes rare never intended on releasing, which were hacked using Action Replay/GameShark years after the release of the game by Ice Mario of The Rarewitch Project. I have a few unreleased codes still from other games on N64 that I've hacked stored in RAM I've released The Jet Force Gemini Debug Code and I will finally release one on here for Forsaken the long been unreleased Debug code (I which I don't know too much of how to do anything useful with it) got some fresh Turok 1 and Turok 2 codes also. email me if you want the codes! Well I'm one of the players that had trouble getting invincibility cheat best one I got on my own was invisibility, but just running through the level and not worrying with the guards too much. If the makers put the cheat in the game, I think we deserve to be able to access it too. Love live Action Replay & Gameshark! OmegePirate out!
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