Blazing Saddles Easter Egg - Springtime for Hitler

Go to the part of the movie where Bart and Jim leave for the saloon. There will be a playbill outside of the saloon annoucing Lilly's performance. The music that is played while you are viewing that poster is "Springtime for Hitler", the main musical number from Mel Brook's first movie The Producers.

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  6.9/10 with 103 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-06-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: good ears
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bonjo writes:
Yes, and in Robin Hood Men in Tights, the "We're Men in Tights" song is the same tune as "Jews in Space" from History of the World.
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Beck writes:
Also in the movie The Governors name is mentioned (William J LaPetemain)This is a real man A Frenchman from the 19th Century who was famous as a flagilator who could bend over and blowout a candle from across the stage! very appropriate for Blazing Saddles.
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Minstrel writes:
Brooks does that all the time. "It's good to be the king!" Has been said in The Producers, History of the World Part I and Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Possibly others. Those are all I've seen.
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Me writes:
The Governor's name is William J LePetomane. In French this means someone who farts maniacally, or someone obsessed with farts / farting. Pretty accurate for Mel Brooks' sense of humour. Does the word flagilator even exist?
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....ermm.."flagellation" is to do with whipping..flatulence etc is to do with "farting"
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KC Taylor writes:
The name "Le Petomane" is in itself a tribute/egg of sorts. Le Petomane was a French vaudvillian comedian whose sketches would involve an impersonation of famous people of his time farting. He would hold a glass tube to his butt for amplification on stage. The name apparently translates to "the Fart-ist" which is incredibly appropriate for Blazing Saddles..."more beans Mr. Taggert?"
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