In Utero (Nirvana) Easter Egg - Hidden Song

1. Go to the last track & fast forward past it
2. Keep going past where the music stops
3. Soon you will come to the music again
4. play this normaly
5. an extra track!

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 154 votes
Contributed By: Dennis on 04-06-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD-Player, Nirvana's In Utero
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Squeegie1 writes:
This track is actually listed on the box of In Utero. Of course it's always possible that some versions don't list it. I have the English version myself, and I've heard that the American one doesn't.
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It's also listed on my copy. For the record, it's called 'Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip'.
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Troy writes:
You're right, the hidden song ("Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip") is not availible on U.S. versions of In Utero. And, if you make the mistake of purchasing the CD from WalMart, the picture on the back is altered to be less offensive. "Rape Me" is listed as "Waif Me," which makes no sense. This isn't really an egg, but just an example of WalMart's weird music policies.
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sixftrdhd writes:
It's a well known fact that the extra track was only on the first release of the US version. Basically it's a gift to true fans - while those who jumped on the bandwagon after they hit the "Top 40" list and then bought the album miss out on the extra track!
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Okay, I'm not sure whether you people are being "funny" by presenting false or half-true information, but regardless, you're wrong. "Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip" is not a "hidden" track. It's simply a bonus track available on European and Japanese pressings of the album. It was NOT included on any US pressings of the album at all. For the record, there are three basic versions of the album (I am not counting the Mobil Fidelity gold CD): the standard American version; the European and Japanese versions, and the "Wal-Mart" version. Other than "Gallons...," the American and foreign versions are the same. The "Wal-Mart" version, however, lists the song "Rape Me" as "Waif Me," and substitutes the (very much superior) Scott Litt remix of "Pennyroyal Tea" for the version originally released on other versions of the album. In addition to this, the artwork has been censored.
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In a Nirvana discography I just happen to have here, it says that Gallons... was on the UK and Australian pressings but not on the US ones (there's no mention of other countries). It also says that Gallons was listed on non-US pressings as "Devalued American Dollar Purchase Incentive Track", so basically Kurt just didn't like Americans.
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ConnieMarble writes:
On the special thanks section there is a name "Breanne O'Connor" listed. Kurt's mothers name is "Wendy O'Connor" and I read that she had another child (Kurt's half sibling) when he was about 18/19 or so. Could this be Kurt's half sister he is thanking? I've wondered this for a long time now....
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Ashe writes:
it sounds as if people just heard about the bonus track and don't know what they are talking about and find it to be an egg. all it is is a track. and no one said that the wal-mart censourship was an egg. they do that crap to all sorts of cds. nevermind normally has a green coloured sticker over the baby p*nis, because it's do that, or don't sell the cd.
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punkscott writes:
I dont know if im the only one, but when i listen to a CD i listen all the way to the end so i wouldnt say this was an egg id say it was a song on a CD
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Joedman writes:
On my version of In Utero, the track is listed, but you can't skip to it, you can only fastforward to at the end of All Apologies. Therefore to say it is a "hidden track" or "secret song" is wrong, but it is somewhat unusual
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Spenser writes:
actually...the Wal-mart Version says 'waif me' due to the song 'rape me' Kurt orginally wanted 'Sexually Assault Me'...i thought that was very amusing when i read that
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CKB writes:
On the back of my British 'In Utero' album, it has an asterisk (*) after the song in question, then at the bottom, it says that it was originally called 'Devalued American Dollar Purchase Incentive Track'.
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