Simpsons, The Easter Egg - Matt Groening Comic

In the Christmas special where Bart burns the tree and says a burglar did it, you can see the rabbit from Matt Groening's old comic "Life in Hell". You see him when Wiggum is taking the stuff from the Simpsons because they gave them their money and it was all a fraud. He is carrying some stuffed animals, and you can see the rabbit.

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Contributed By: me on 04-05-2000
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Special Requirements: A TV and the episode
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I got this out of the simpsons forever book. The two stuffed animals that chief wiggum take from the Simpsons home are later seen in the episode where Bart and Ralph are forced to be friends.
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me writes:
i also remember seeing this rabbit from the episode where Marge picks up cell phone calls on the baby moniter, and maggie is playing with the rabbit
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The Skoot writes:
Also, in 'Homer's Triple Bypass', when Homer is explaining the operation the the kids, the two men puppets are characters from Live In Hell.
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Sean Glass writes:
When you said his "old comic" life in hell, I just felt that I had to mention the fact that he still draws it.
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me writes:
Thanx Sean for pointing that out, I didn't know he still made em. Hmm... maybe I better go to the store.
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no, the_skoot, I recall seeing the episode "Homer's Triple Bypass" but I dont remember the dolls... I am a big fan of Life in Hell, and the two guys i think you must be refering to are the gay couple Akbar and Jeff. I'll be sure to remember this when i se that rerun.
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Trivimaster writes:
I have seen Marge wear one-eared bunny-slippers in some episodes! Has anyone noticed that too?
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didlyday writes:
If you remember the Simpsons arcade game, you fought the rabbits in the earlier levels. waisted a lot of quarters ;)
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Dave R. writes:
Yeah, got that game on MAME (an emulator). The one-eared rabbit actually appeared in the trees when you hit it too much looking for more than the initial apple that drops down for health. He carries a sign saying "No More...Beat it" and points to the right. Ah, I remember the days of the naseauating shameless Simpson's merchandise including the bootlegged t-shirts and acid.
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Rob writes:
Another sighting of the rabbit is in the episode where Marge paints Mr Burns' portrait. Marge reminisces about her time at art college, and painting deconstructed rabbits. The other students are also painting rabbits, with one of Marge's fellow students painting the "rabbit" from Life In Hell. I watched the episode this evening. It was great.
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Jetboy writes:
It is also features in the episode where homer is commited to the mental assylum, maggie is playing with the doll but i dont remember exactly when
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PistolPez writes:
Does anyone remember the youth hockey episode? During that episode, Bart tells Lisa that he "just ripped the head off Mr. Honey-bunny." That bunny looks (at least to me) suspiciously like the bunnies from Life in Hell.
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"Life in Hell" was also referenced in "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular". Groening has a "Life in Hell" poster in his office. Also, in one of the shorts that is shown on one of the Simpsons videos, where the TV breaks, Bart does a puppet show with Binky (the rabbit's name).
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