Scream 3 Easter Egg - Friends in the Flic

In the scene where Courteney Cox is giving a lexture on being a reporter there is a moment when the camera flashes to the audience. Matthew Perry (Chandler) can be seen sitting near the bottom right hand corner.

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  7.1/10 with 143 votes
Contributed By: darkmagicsky on 03-30-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Scream 3 and your eyes
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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? writes:
Also, don't they say somewhere that David Schwimmer wouldn't play Dewey, and the nude pics of Gale were Jennifer Aniston's body and her head?
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princess191 writes:
Very interesting, and I don't wanna be picky, but you spelled "lecture" wrong. They did mention the David Schwimmer bit, but I guess I didn't catch the nudie pix part.
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Cartman writes:
That isn't Matthew Perry! Look closely, the guy is too chubby. It's just somebody listening to Courteney's speech.
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Angel writes:
Yeah, they say that stuff in either the first one or the second Scream (I think second) when they are talking about who would play them if they made a movie about that killings.
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pnash69 writes:
The comment about Jennifer Aniston's body is in Scream 2, its when Gale arrives and is asked when she started smoking.
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Ali B writes:
The David Schwimmer comment is in Scream 2, just before Randy goes through the rules of a sequel. He says something like "at least you got David Schwimmer playing you"...
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They made the movie and had Tori Spelling play Sid because it was said in the first Scream. If they had stuck with Dewey's "Meg Ryan" comment, they would have cast Meg to play the movie Sid.
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EsaĂșl 703 writes:
I haven't actually looked, but I thought I'd point out that Matthew Perry did actually put on weight not so long ago (but then had to lose it again for the filming of Friends)
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