Apple Error Codes Easter Egg - Apple Crash

1. Start the Apple Error codes 98
2. Choose Sad Mac Error Codes
3. Click on the Icon where the arrow is pointing at.
4. Now you here the sound when a Mac crashes

User Rating:
  5.6/10 with 41 votes
Contributed By: Ronald Knaap on 07-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Apple Error Codes 98
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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360GamerGuy writes:
Be sure to click on the one pointed at by the purple arrow. If you do the one pointed at by the yellow arrow, you'll go back to the main menu. Also, it says by the purple arrow "Click Here to hear a sad Mac Crash (Heard on some Power Macs)". It's not hidden. -360GamerGuy
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