Cider House Rules Easter Egg - Meet the Author at the Station

In the pleasant countryside of Saint Clouds there was a small train depot, the station master was John Irving. He wrote the novel and screen play for "Cider House Rules". He greets the train with a smile in the beginning and end of the movie.

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 56 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 03-29-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch the movie in a theater.
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GARY writes:
John Irving's first appearance was in a film based on his novel " The World According To Garp." He played a wrestling ref, and actually had a line, which was something like, (sic) "good moves, but they beat you on the take-downs." This appearance was very appropriate, since Irving wrestled at Exeter, and UNH, and then as a post-grad at Iowa. His two sons wrestled, and Irving actually was a ref for much of their young careers. :-)
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PhilEFC writes:
The part of Wally Worthington was originally intended for Colin Irving, the author's son. The movie took so many years to get made that eventually he was too old for the part. Instead he plays Major Winslow who delivers the news of Wally's disapperance.
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