Beast Wars Easter Egg - Wonko the Sane

In the episode where Rhinox was transformed to a predacon, when Waspanator goes nuts, Black Arachnia says "He's wacko!" Waspinator lands and says "Not wacko, Wonko! WONKO THE SANE!" Wonko the Sane was a character in Douglas Aadam's So Long and Thanks For All the Fish!

Maybe the writer has a thing for DA. Bettre yet, maybe the writer IS DA!

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Contributed By: Qui-Gon-Kenobi on 03-29-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Cable, patience and the book So Long and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Aadams
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Draegos writes:
Heh. Actually, the whole explaination for how that phrase found its way into a Beast Wars episode is a little more complex. Beleive it or not, Waspinator is actually saluting Transformers fan Ben Yee, who goes by the screen name "Wonko the Sane" on usenet's newsgroup. Yee was very close to the story editors of the Beast Wars series (you can even see his name in the credits of "The Agenda," credited as a Trasformers History Consultant), and kind of became an unofficial liason between online Transformers fandom and the show creators (him and Hooks). He was even included in a live "radio play" script which several Beast Wars voice actors performed at a Transformers convention several years ago. You can find his web page at There are countless such references to other fans close to Beast Wars, most notably Optimus Primal's tribute to M Sipher in "The Agenda" part one -- M Sipher started the original Transformers mailing list, many moons before usenet was around. Other references sprinkled throughout the series include a "Tengu" and "Tallories" sector, a "Hooks" subsector, a grid "Darcerin" and "Joona" AND "Scylla," and of course, the ever-present voice-code "A-T-T" (the popular abreviation for The story editors appeared on ATT frequently during Beast Wars' run, and got to be friends with lots of the fans. They paied tribute to them by including the fans' names in the script whenever possible. Weird but true. Neat, huh?
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DCJoeDog writes:
even better there is a direct reference to the original transformers in the episode where the maximoes find the ark they have a hard time getting inside of if, then they comment(I forget who,but i think optimus)"This ship wasn't made it was poured,die-cast metal formation of building,a lost art". then they look at the camera for a few seconds.which as older folks know when the original transfer were toys they were made from die cast metal which is poured into molds to make the parts. just my 2cents ~dcjoedog
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Rattrap007 writes:
actually the line about the ark is as follows: "Man that thing wasn't built. It was poured!!"--Rattrap "Die cast construction.. (Faces Camera) It's a lost art."-Optimus Primal Yes the Wonko the Sane is a reference to Ben Yee.
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Bizarro writes:
just before the "Wonko the Sane" bit, Waspinator adopted Shrapnel's speech impediment
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