Matrix, The Easter Egg - Follow the White Rabbits

If you want to "Follow the White Rabbit" on the DVD without sitting through the entire film again, I have listed 8 out of 9 of them (okay, I'm lazy. I jumped through and missed one. If you know which one I missed, please enter it in Comments below).
All listings are times on your DVD player's counter.

Each "Rabbit" will take you to a short FX sequence documentary. Like I said, there's still one I missed.

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 291 votes
Contributed By: Edsel on 03-28-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The DVD and a lack of patience
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Edsel writes:
Hey, Edsel here. I'm finishing my own Easter Egg by listing the 9th "Rabbit". It occurs at 83:48 on your DVD's timer. And if you'd like to visit my band's website (featuring a link to EEGGS.COM) to read many DVD, music and movie reviews, visit
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Skronky writes:
Heres a quick way rather than finding the right time. Once you find one you can hit Chapter Forward/backward to get to the other ones. But you must hit it before it goes back into the movie.
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Edsel writes:
Edsel here (again). Quite a few people have e-mailed me asking exactly how the "White Rabbit" feature works, so here it is. First of all, this only works on DVD. I just had to set that straight. This feature isn't on video or laserdisc. At the main menu, select "Special Features". In the special features section, choose the "Follow the White Rabbits" feature (I can't remember if it's on the first or second "page" of the Special Features Menu). The film will now start as normal from the beginning. At the times noted above, a graphic of a white rabbit will appear on the bottom right hand side of your screen. You won't miss it. When it appears, press "Play" on your DVD remote. That will take you to a short FX "Making-of" feature. When the feature has ended, the movie will resume starting from the end of the scene featured in the "Making-of". Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Some DVD players are snarky with this feature. I've heard of sound dropouts, temporary screen-freezes and the like. My player even would transport me back to the beginning of the film when each "Making-of" was finished. Good luck to all of you! -Edsel
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tim writes:
I had trouble finding some of the special features on the DVD, and would like to add some details to help others find this stuff. I'm using the DVD on my PC with the PCFriendly viewer included on the DVD. (My ATI viewer doesn't access the special features properly at all). In order to activate the "Follow the White Rabbit" feature, start the viewer with the Matrix DVD in the drive. At the "Pill Choice", pick the Blue Pill (Play Movie): this was counter-intuitive for me, since I expected a DVD special feature. After the introductory sequence of the lobby gun fight, a menu comes up. Pick "Special Features". Next, pick "Dreamworld". (On this page, the Red Pill gets you the EEGG "Bullet Time" featurette. The other menu items are self explanatory.) But you want "Follow the White Rabbit", so pick "Continue". This gets you Page 2 of the Dreamworld menu, which allows you to select the music only sound track, or the "Follow the White Rabbit" feature. CAUTION: This feature is disabled if you pick the alternate audio tracks while playing the movie. Also, if you use the skip feature of the player to help advance to the next rabbit while the movie is playing, you have to wait for the image and sound to begin playing before clicking skip again, or "PC not-so Friendly" locks up hard, and must be terminated with CTL-ALT-DEL, End Task. Then you must start all over.
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Epyon42 writes:
Alternative ending? Such as Neo dieing and the Agents winning?
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phreeeze writes:
I own a PS2 as my primary DVD and have no way to follow the white rabbit according to a time display, when I hit next chapter as I'm viewing a white rabbit scene, it does not bring me to the next. So for all other PS2 owners and people without time displays I've jotted down the chapters that the white rabbit appears in. Here is the list: 1,10,15,23-twice in this chapter,29,30,32,and 33
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How to "Follow the White Rabbit" - Using your Track & Chapter of your DVD Player / Software. To view the film with the "Follow the White Rabbit" feature (where clicking or selecting the "White Rabbit" that appears in that particular scene will bring up another hidden video clip) do the following: From the main menu, choose "Special Features", then "The Dream World", then "CONTINUE", then "Follow the White Rabbit". The movie starts, you need to fast forward to these times on your DVD so that the "White Rabbit" appears, and then select it. The White Rabbit will run away after a few seconds... If you're lazy, you can go straight to this special "Follow the White Rabbit" movie by selecting Track 6 scene 1 (Region 1 Matrix DVD). Note that you can also go straight to these "White Rabbit Hidden Video" tracks (as found on the Region 1 version of The Matrix DVD) but for continuity & max enjoyment it's better to watch and select from the movie itself. 1) Track 6 scene 1 @ 03:09 - selecting the White Rabbit brings you to Track 27 scene 1. 2) Track 6 scene 10 @ 32:28 - goes to Track 28 scene 1. 3) Track 6 scene 15 @ 50:02 - goes to Track 29 scene 1. 4) Track 6 scene 23 @ 01:20:00 - goes to Track 30 scene 1. 5) Track 6 scene 24 @ 01:23:51 - goes to Track 31 scene 1. 6) Track 6 scene 29 @ 01:41:24 - goes to Track 32 scene 1. 7) Track 6 scene 30 @ 01:45:50 - goes to Track 33 scene 1. 8) Track 6 scene 32 @ 01:50:50 - goes to Track 34 scene 1. 9) Track 6 scene 33 @ 01:54:48 - goes to Track 35 scene 1. Go, enjoy! Steven KHONG Yun Fu Malaysia
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Mad Jesuit writes:
If you are using a PS2 (playstation 2) like Phreeze is, follow the white rabbit by pressing the X button on the controller when the white rabbit appears.
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