Jason Goes to Hell Easter Egg - The Necronomicon

There is a scene in the movie when the main chracter is in the Voorhees house and he picks up a book. It is the same book from the Evil Dead series, The Necronomicon.
Also when Jason goes into Erin Grey's body, there is a box in the backrgound marked Arctic Expedition, which is the same box found in one of the stories in the film Creep Show.

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  6.4/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Ash on 03-25-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of the unrated directors cut
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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SaNdMaN writes:
I think you will find that the box has the words "property of J. Carpenter" written on the side. It is a reference to the fantastic film 'The Thing'. You will also note that, although not exactly and egg, the hand of Freddy Kruger pulls Jasons mask to hell at the end of the movie. Other interesting things in this film include the puzzle box from Hellraiser and a knife & mask reminiscent of the Halloween flicks.
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maalsboo writes:
The reason for Freddy's hanf grabbing the mask was because originally the next movie in the Jason series was supposed to be Jason vs. Freddy. This was before Newline cinemas bought the rights to the movie back from i think it was Paramount.
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Sith1605 writes:
New Line bought the rights to Jason from Paramount. Jason Goes to hell was the first New Line Jason movie therefore it was New Lines idea for Freddy VS Jason.
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