Opiate (Tool) Easter Egg - Hidden Song

Go to track 6 (Opiate), fast forward to where the song ends. There is a lengthy period of silence after that. Somewhere around 2 minutes and 15 secs from the end of the track, Maynard starts singing about what some of his friends do while they are on drugs.

User Rating:
  5.6/10 with 21 votes
Contributed By: Tim Paul on 03-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Opiate cd
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DeRFSuCKS writes:
Coincidence? I think not. The hidden track ("The Gaping Lotus Experience") starts at 6 minutes and 6 seconds of track 6 (666). Those crazy guys.
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GueSS writes:
I like the beginning of that song, that sound is hypnotic
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I was listening to the opiate album on my computer's windows media player and the 'hidden' track "the gaping lotus experience" actually starts 6 minutes and 10 seconds into the last track, but good egg anyway. Also if you were referring to the vinyl it may be differently timed the the CD.
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Silver writes:
that "Hidden" track was already on my CD as a selectable track. It wasn't hidden for some reason. Same thing for anyone else?
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J.J. writes:
It's a clever parody of traditional hidden songs, too. Note the way the chorus is an evil sounding chant of "Satan...satan....satan"
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