Eat the phikis (Elio & le storie tese) Easter Egg - Hidden Songs

I didn't manage to hear this egg but i'm really sure it works.
You need to go at the end of the album, at the song n°13 "Neanche un minuto di non caco". Go fast forward until 12:20. You'll hear voices and music played very fastly. You have to slow down them and play them backwards. They're about 7 brand new songs never published on a Elio & lst album. For fans only :-)
Cheers from Giggi, proud member n° 455 of Elio Official Fan Club

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: Giggi on 03-16-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The album and a pitch adjuster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Giggi writes:
Ok mates... finally i did it!!! And i found they're not 7 brand new songs but they're a lot (about 15 minutes) of recording made during the studio sessions of the LP and other several takes. Great all the way!!! Cheers from Giggi, proud member n° 455 of Elio Official Fan Club
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