Crimson and Clover (Tommy James and the Shondells) Easter Egg - Backwards Riddle

Listen to album. At end of album, there is someone speaking backwards. By spinning the album backwards by hand you can hear what is said. It's a riddle: "Extricate the quadrupet and constabulate into something delicious and I will return and compensate thee amply". I believe it means "Get out of the car and buy some food and I will pay you back your money". I don't know what it's about, but I found it in the late sixties.

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  6.9/10 with 46 votes
Contributed By: rainman on 03-14-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: record player you can turn on ,put in neutral &rotate backwards manually
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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"Extricate" means to remove. "Quadruped" is anything with four legs - humans are bipeds, dogs are quadrupeds. I could not find a definition for "constabulate" although the context would suggest that it means "cook" or some such... So basically, the statement would seem to mean "Take out the animal, cook it, and I'll pay you a lot." And I listened for this, but I did not hear it myself. I wasted an hour and a half looking for it...
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John writes:
The correct quote is "Extricate the quadraped from the vehicle and constabulate him into something nutritious, and the aurora shall rise in the heavens and I shall return and compensate thee amply." which roughly translates to "get the cow off the trailer, butcher and cook it and the sun will rise and I'll come back and pay you." Old folk like me will figure out what this really means: "I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today." which is a reference to Wimpy in really old Popeye cartoons - though the more precise quote is "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today". (Or maybe I've stretched this too far.) anyway, I spent almost 20 years carrying that around in my head before I finally figured out what it meant. Ain't brains special?
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koira writes:
Taken from an old story demonstrating how the use of unnecessarily flowery speech makes something complicated out of something simple: "Extricate that quadruped from the vehicle, stabulate him, devote to him an adequate supply of nutritious aliment, and when the aurora of morn shall again illume the oriental horizon, I will reward you with a pecuniary compensation for your amiable hospitality." Translation: "Unharness the horse, water and feed him, and I will pay you for it in the morning."
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