Easter Egg - New Album Lyrics

If you want to see the lyrics to Slipknot's new song, go to their web page and click on the large image of them. There are a number of images that could show up, but they are always the same size. So click on it, and the lyrics shall be there!

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  6.4/10 with 317 votes
Contributed By: Poop on ME!! on 03-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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PsychoRabbit writes:
These aren't lyrics to a song. This is one of Corey's rants. I've seen on numerous interviews things like this. I guess they're a form of poetry.
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Not meaning to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure that I've been a fan longer than you have. I've been visiting this page for as long as I can remember, and its always been the same as far as clicking on the picture... I agree with the other guy, they aren't lyrics! As a matter of fact, i think that the page with that "poetry", if you want to call it that, used to be the page before even the main page popped up... Psycho-Sid-Fan...epitome, filth, number 0 rocks!
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Brokedown writes:
This must have been before the site was changed because the only pictures of them are flashing very fast and you cant click on any of them
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Kid_.A.T. writes:
This doesn't appear to work, but just don't try to access this on's a domain squatter site that pops up windows including and ActiveX install for no known reason!
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Lita-2x writes:
It's not a song just cory being cory
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