At Ease Easter Egg - Get to Finder Without Password

1. Make Sure the LC 2 has Claris works 3. and Mavis Beacon Teaches typing and only 4mb of Ram...
2. Make sure no programs are running except for At Ease...
3. Now Start up Claris Works and if it gives you a window asking what kind of document to open just click cancel...
4. Now go to the Menu that shows you what programs are open and go back to At Ease...
5. Now that you have Claris Works running in the background you can now start Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing...
6. Instead of having Mavis Beacon open, you will have it go to finder...
7. Then just go to the menu that shows you what programs are running and go back to Claris Works and close Claris Works it you be back at finder...

User Rating:
  3.9/10 with 29 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-23-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: At Ease
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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ajcrazyo writes:
there is also another way that is very similar to this, if Microsoft office is installed all you have to do is be in at ease, click the little puzzle piece in the upper right hand corner, go down to the finder menu enter it and you will be dropped into the finder, if the finder menu isn't there just go to preferences under the puzzle piece and put a check in the box next to finder and your set
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