Bizzaro Comic Strip Easter Egg - Strange Birds

Ever since the turn of the Millenium, the author of the "Bizzaro" comic has put an upside-down bird with a tophat on in each comic.

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 61 votes
Contributed By: Bob on 02-29-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A Bizzaro Comic Strip Published Since the New Year
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Adam G writes:
see them at
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Daystrom writes:
To me it looks like a bunny rabbit. You can see the nose, eyes, and ears (that are pink and are touching one another. Also are standing straight up) very clearly. Just wonderin' if you could see that too.
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Isai writes:
there is an E.T. in a flying saucer in every picture too.
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randakk writes:
There's more. Not all of these show up every day, but on a very regular basis you can find the bird, the rabbit, and the UFO, as well as a piece of pie, a crown, an eyeball, a stray shoe, and the initials 'UBA' and 'k2'.
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Scott writes:
oh and also you can find: 5 golden rings 4 French hens 2 turtle doves and a partrich in a pear tree if you first slam your head against a wall hard enough!
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Roxana writes:
hey scott, its THREE french hens! Four calling birds.
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netsuke writes:
The meaning of the symbolisms are revealed in
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Hidasta writes:
I saw this too! I was hoping someone else would spot it.
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fats writes:
This isn't really an egg. There are TONS of obvious things that they put in there that I catch EVERY time.
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NOTSLIM writes:
Not only that, but it's golden wraiths. Not rings.
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scgsquid writes:
heh, i don't think anyone said this, but i see a stick of dynamite in most of the comics too...
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