Easter Egg - What Altavista think of rivals

Go to and enter "fuc* you" (without the asterick quotation marks) into the search box and enter.

When the results are returned, just below the search box you will see 'Related Searches'. The first option is 'fuc* you Jeeves' - select it.

You will notice that Altavista now returns pages upon pages of links to

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  3.5/10 with 388 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-02-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Bruce writes:
This appears to be nothing more than a lame search algorithm in Alta Vista's implementation. I don't know why "fu** you" brings up "fu** you jeeves" as a related search, but if you type in almost anything followed by jeeves you get a list of Ask Jeeves web sites. Try it with "star wars jeeves", "death to jeeves", "jeeves wins the lottery", etc. and the search results will almost always start with the various Ask Jeeves sites. Seems to me like Alta Vista has a secret thing for the butler...
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Weevil writes:
Seeing as Ask Jeeves provides the question answering service for AltaVista, they're just about the last person AV would get angry about.
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Adam G writes:
It doesn't work
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Richard writes:
It didn't work for me either , I just got given a load of porn sites
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sesame85 writes:
Whoever posted this, posted where to find it wrong. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, after all the links, under where the search box is, it says "Others searched for:" The first option is the one you are looking for.
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GwenGrrl writes:
well, i didn't see that, but i noticed a link that said "find f---- you at regestier now!" wich just leads back to ebay, but the statment itself is just funny as hell
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dave writes:
Try scrolling down to where it suggests different entries in the altavista web catalogue. The first entry it gave me was : Eww...You're A Girl And Girls Suck!
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bill parker writes:
ok listen, he is right, all you do is what he says, the link is DIRECTLY UNDER the search box. not in the batch of porn links. the link he is referring to is six centimeters below the box. look hard, it's right there!
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This doesn't seem like an intentional egg. The "related searches" area is just a "handy" thing (that no one uses) to find what other people have searched for that are related to the words you searched for. So, because "f* you" sounds a lot like "f* you Jeeves", it returns that. Apperantly, a lot of people have searched for "f* you jeeves"...sad...
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Link writes:
works on google as well, you get pages of search results from jeeves, or it mainly searches the site. google search for cheat eeggs on google, reveals alot of cheat codes on this site.
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silver-angel writes:
It won't work for me. Do you click under the 'Altavista Prisma'?
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