Blade Runner Easter Egg - "Purge"

Sorry for my terrible English...
When Harrison Ford takes off with the police car(or better... police starship...)in the beginning of the movie, you can see on the cockpit screen the word "Purge" pulsing and some graphics.
These are exactly the same of another similiar scene of the movie "Alien" ( i mean the first Alien..) when the starship is landing.
Same software??

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  6.0/10 with 65 votes
Contributed By: Adolph on 02-28-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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davepix writes:
This is obviously due to Ridley Scott's directorial influence. More than one similar element from "Alien" can be seen in "Bladerunner". For instance, the ambient sounds in Ford's home are the same as on board the "Nostromo" in "Alien" as well as many light cues and sound effects thoughout the film. If something looks and sound cool you may as well stick with it! These are just like seeing similar paint strokes in any famous artist's works.
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Toshiro writes:
Purge was one I noticed also in the theatres long ago. I remember reading in an interview that Ridley Scott said that it was a conceit of his that perhaps Alien and Blade Runner were in the same universe at the same time. As Ripley and her friends were fighting the Alien...back home Deckard was fighting Replicants
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oik writes:
Actually, Scott said he used it because it was convenient, not for any other reason.
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diablo writes:
Bishop was the android in Aliens. Ripley was play by Sigorny Weaver
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bblhed writes:
Pick up a copy of Future Noir by Paul M. Sammon (ISBN 0-06-105314-7) The text was used because Scott had made it for Alien, but it was cut out of that film.
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Aztral writes:
Not to get too technical, but the "Purge" screen in Alien actually appeared when Ripley was preparing the escape pod. Anyway... Until now I thought I was the only one who had noticed it. I've actually shown friends by having the VCR tapes of both movies set to the "Purge" scenes, and playing them one-after the other. I also thought there was more to this since the "purge" occurs at the beginning of Blade Runner, but at the end of Alien.
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