JFK Easter Egg - Chief Justice Garrison?

In the film when Chief Justice Warren says that Oswald acted only and nobody else was in on the Kennedy killing, he is played by the real Jim Garrison whom the film is about. Garrison mentioned that Warren must have rolled over in his grave.

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  6.4/10 with 45 votes
Contributed By: tincupmonty on 02-29-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Rent the movie
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Docco writes:
I'll go you one better. Near the beginning of the movie when Jim Garrison and one of his partners (forgotten his name) go to the bar to see the news about JFK's assassination, there is a man in the bar who applauds when they announce that Kennedy is dead. That man is portrayed in the film by none other than...that's right Jim Garrison. Stone put him in the 2 most ironic roles he could find.
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oswald writes:
Huh? The guy in the bar is NOT Jim Garrison. In the credits he's listed as Perry R. Russo -- not to mention he doesn't look like Garrison at all!
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Sam Lowry writes:
The guy in the bar was played by Perry Russo, who was an aquaintance of David Ferrie and was a prosecution witness during the Garrison trial. So that's Garrison playing Earl Warren, and Russo playing a guy at the bar.
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Dave Reitzes writes:
The guy in the bar is indeed Garrison's star witness, Perry Raymond Russo. Another odd cameo is Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans' brief appearance as Oswald's pal, Baron George De Mohrenschildt. In the Sixties, Oltmans had become convinced (based on a conversation with a Dutch "clairvoyant" named Gerard Croiset!) that De Mohrenschildt had masterminded the Kennedy assassination. He caused the Baron a fair amount of trouble before the latter's tragic suicide in 1977.
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Charles writes:
I got one for ya... near the beginning when they keep showing the flag and the clock and all when the clok says 1230 and the drum bats fast and the flag fills the screen pause it and go to slow motion... you wil see a man hanging out of the window with a shotgun...
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