Speed II Easter Egg - Doomed Bus Appears Again

OK, so you know the serial number that the first bus had, the one that shouldn't have gone under 5mph and that blew up? Well, in Speed 2, when Sandra Bullock is just about to drive out of the driving school's parking lot, she almost crashes into a bus. The frontal view (only for a split second) shows that the bus has the same serial number as the first doomed bus from Speed 1 (It was something that ended in 52 or 25 or something). Blink and you'll miss it.

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  7.2/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: on 02-25-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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brent84ty writes:
Actually, the bus couldn't go under 50 MPH, not 51. Secondly, the bus number was 2525.
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The A-Bomb writes:
The bus was only there for about a sec. and to see the top is impossible unless you press the pause button. Believe me, it's a challenge to time it just right. But to tell ya the truth, it really isn't worth it. Not to be a sore sport, but it's just some numbers and you can take my word for it. Peace!
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