Out Of Sight Easter Egg - Pulp Fiction Pre-Cursor

Pay attention to the conversation between Jack (George Clooney) and his supposed getaway accomplice in the final scene. Its Samuel L. Jackson, speaking in quotes much like those of his character in Pulp Fiction. He is also Muslim by his name meaning he does not eat pork, also like his Pulp Fiction character. Plus why else would Samuel L. Jackson take such an insignificant role?

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  2.6/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: batman on 02-22-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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gkm writes:
This is not neccesarily a connection between the characters. Both movies were directed by Quentin Tarantino. Directors frequently like to use talented actors they've worked with before. Actors will often take cameo roles in films directed by directors who are their friends, or whom they enjoyed working with before.
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lewarcher writes:
gkm, Tarantino didn't direct 'Out of Sight'; Steven Soderbergh did. He and Tarantino make quirky types of films, but that's about all they have in common (unless someone can prove to me otherwise).
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Actually, you both got it partially right. Sam Jackson played Ordell Robbie in "Jackie Brown", a Tarantino directed movie. That was written by Elmore Leonard (originally "Rum Punch"), just like "Out of Sight". I think it is a wink and a nod to that character.
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piss ant writes:
I think there will be a sequel, and that Clooney and Samuel will star in it...
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