Baby Furby Easter Egg - Baby Furby Easter Egg

So surprised that I had never seen any furby baby easter eggs on this site, I set about the task of finding one. If you clap 3 times (make sure furby hears each one) them rub it's back, it will say it's name or some other comment. If you wait, it should hum a song 3 times.

User Rating:
  4.0/10 with 208 votes
Contributed By: Erin Elizabeth on 02-20-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A baby Furby
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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babybee writes:
Yeah, that's how you put the baby to sleep...not really an easter egg
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qt-kat writes:
Yeah it worked for me too. But I wouldn't consider it an egg.
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Tobideru writes:
Congratulations! You figured out how to put baby Furby to sleep? What do you want, a medal?
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MightyMike writes:
My little sister has one of them, but after accidently setting it off one too many times, I never found out how to shut it up.( some methods were throwing it across the room.) Thank God for this!
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Xanthman writes:
yeah try a television remote aimed straight at it's head thing, press POWER, that usually puts it to sleep, other buttons do different things
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My friend's sister used to have one, and my friend always used to mess with it with his TV remote. One day he got it stuck on saying something like, "Yeeee! Burp! Yeeee! Burp!" and so forth. That was the end of that.
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isajones writes:
My dad has a multimedia projector that has a remote control and pointed at the Furby can send it (the Furby) into a sneezing fit. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure my Baby Furby farts!
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BuckyKatt writes:
congrats like everyone else said you now know how to put it to sleep well if you go read the manual for the furby it tells you the same thing its not an egg just an off switch
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Rebecky writes:
My sister has one. One day she called me upstairs and from downstairs I could hear a demented "eeeeeeiiiiiiii" noise. So I rushed upstairs and there was this evil furby thing with evil looking eyes stuck through a word. I knocked it over with a book and stole its batteries. Moral of the story: Furbies are evil. I am going to try that furby remote trick though. Sounds funny. :-)
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254526 writes:
You can also download a .ccf file for Furbies for Pronto remotes (a touchscreen remote control - look at for reference) - you can make it sleep, sneeze, 'sing', etc. Of course, you'd need to buy a £300 remote, but hey... :)
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err999 writes:
I did the remote trick and my baby started coughing and saying baby sick.
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