Hercules Easter Egg - Sam Raimi Chant

I am not sure how this goes...
In one of the episodes, Hercules has to chant "Clato Varita Nicto"
That chant is from Sam Reimi's Army of Darkness. Sam Reimi is the Producer of Hercules and sometimes directs them.

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  5.8/10 with 29 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-13-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Army Of Darkness
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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benteen writes:
That's "Klaatu Borata Niktu". And it is ultimately a line from a classic SF movie, "The Day The Earth Stood Still". Check the Easter Egg Archives, Movies, under listings for "Army of Darkness".
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Naomi writes:
Actually the saying is originally from an the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, which Raimi then used in Army of Darkness.
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Poodlefaker writes:
I remember seeing 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' when it first came out - it's hooked me on sci-fi ever since. BUT - what does "Klaatu Borata Nictu" mean? - I'm probably a dummy -I expect everyone in the entire rest of the world knows the meaning - apart from me.
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Sam writes:
That's Klaatu Barada Nikto It is a passphrase used in The Day The Earth Stood Still to stop Gort from destroying the earth, and (possibly incidentally) go rescue Klaatu. It therefore either means: Klaatu orders you to stop or Klaatu is in danger Thank you. :)
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oddman writes:
"Klatu, barada nikto" is arguably the most venerable -- and venerated -- phrase in science fiction/genere literature. In the original Star Wars movie (episode IV) three of the characters from the Cantina scene are named Klatu Barada and Nikto. If I'm not mistaken, their identities were not "revealed" until the first Star Wars action figures came out .... spotting the names on the packages nearly knocked me down right in the middle of the toy isle!
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Yossarian writes:
This si sort of a side note, but in the 1982 movie "Tron," the cubicle of Alan Bradley, the programmer who created Tron, has the words Gort: Klaatu Barada Nicto emblazoned in a poster on its wall.
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nate writes:
In the day the earth stood still he says Klattu Berrata Nicto and in army of darkness its Klattu Veratta Nicto.
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ZeldaGeek writes:
Wow. This is on Jimmy Neutron twice, and probably every other TV show in the entire world. LOL.
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