Wall, The (Pink Floyd) Easter Egg - Secret (Backwards) Message on the Wall

1- Put on Record 1, Side 2 (I mean the vinyl LP; if you have the CD or the cassette you're not very likely to find this!)

2- With the turntable in the Stop position (i.e. not moving!), put the pickup needle in the groove between track 1 (Goodbye Blue Sky) and 2 (Empty spaces)

3- Raise the volume level a lot!! (Don't worry: on headphones this won't hurt...they usually have a weaker frequency response than loudspeakers.)

4- Now the hard part comes: without starting the turntable (i.e. still keeping it motionless!) spin the record backwards (with your fingers, or in any other way you like) at an approximate speed of 33 RPM. (Doing this while it's spinning is even more difficult, according to me!)

5- If you listen carefully (especially on the left channel) you should hear amidst all the background noise a very low-pitched and muffled voice saying what follows: "Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm". Thie was INTENTIONALLY recorded backwards: you don't hear anything in the normal direction.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 91 votes
Contributed By: Ugo on 02-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Wall RECORD (not the CD!) and a good pair of headphones
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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jeffd1957 writes:
Been there, done that. It's an old intentional Pink Floyd back-masking game. They've done it before "The Wall", on other albums. Check out Pink Floyd songs in the www.eeggs.com section under "Songs".
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Lustreking writes:
You can so do it with a CD. Just use Sound Recorder or some similar .wav device, record that portion of the song, click on effects and then Reverse. Trust me, IT CAN BE DONE.
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Freeza Frost writes:
i did this with the cd and after "funy farm" i think i heard "chalfonte"
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