Stand, The (Stephen King) Easter Egg - Reference to Roland

In the book "The Stand" by Stephen King (note - not Stephan!) when the characters are walking through the desert he mentions "like a man named Roland walks through another desert far away", which is a reference to Roland in the Dak Tower series, which hadn't been written yet at that time.

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Contributed By: zeeber on 02-12-2000
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Special Requirements: The Book(s)
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xijix writes:
Accutally the Dark Tower series, or at least The Gunslinger, was one of the first book King ever wrote. I beleive he started wrighting it in the early 1970's, and the first book took almost 15 years to finish. Besides, the whole series is based off one of King's favorite poems. I can't remember the author or title right now though.
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J writes:
The poem was 'Childe Roland to The Dark Tower Came' by Robert Browning. It's quite a beautiful poem, but very long. So read it if you can get throught it... My first thought was he lied in evey word, that hoary cripple with malicious eye; askance to watch the workings of his lie...
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leesaday writes:
Also, in "Wizard and Glass," Roland and Susan are going back to the old village, and see a newspaper article about Captain Tripps, I believe. I apologize if that's wrong; it's been a long time since I've read it.
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skinny writes:
in one of the dark tower series, close to the end (sorry i forget which one) the bad guy (sorry forgot his name too) says to tick tock man something to the lines off "I want you to say something and old friend used to say for me -- my life for you" this is a reffrence to flagg and trash can man in the stand..
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The Sprite writes:
Roland and Flagg are also both characters in King's "Eye of the Dragon". There are also some similarities between Flagg in the Stand, Flagg in "Eye of the Dragon" and Leland Gaunt in "Needful Things"- I tend to think this character is a kind of immortal evil being- Satan if you must.
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Dan writes:
Yeah, it's pretty sweet how alot of his books have been twisting into the Dark Tower plot, I hope he gives us a satisfying end to the series, same with Robert Jordan and that darn Wheel of Time series, will it ever end?
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twelday writes:
The newspaper with the "capain tripps" reference is found by Jake, Eddie, Susannah, and Roland when they get off Blaine in Topeka!
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Jade writes:
Captain trips is also mentioned in King's short story "Night Surf" in his short story collection Night Shift. "Night Surf" also appeared in the August 1974 issue of Cavalier.
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Blazer9 writes:
In the Dark Tower series (I believe it is Wizard and Glass) when Roland and his crew get off the train, they are in the realm of The Stand.
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adabelle writes:
In the Stand there is a reference to ka which is a word used in the Gunslinger books. It's at the part when Judge Farris is seeing the raven tapping on this window near Vegas. He says it's the dark man's ka projected. Also, what part in the Stand is it that says they walked like a man named Roland walked somewhere else? I can't find it.
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wesISgod writes:
I'm not sure if I'm right on this one but isn't a ka the egyptian belief that a dead man's soul turns into a BIRD and flies to heaven. so there you have the reason for the crow being referred to as a ka, does anybody else see the simularties between Flagg and Leland Gaunt in Needless Things? both possess supernatural powers (i.e.flagg's ability to turn into a crow and gaunt's ever changing eye color) in my opinion they symbolize the devil
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david writes:
to xijix:killer comment,only carrie was the first king novel...
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Neimad187 writes:
Stephen King said in the afterward of the fourth dark Tower book that he had written the scene with Roland beating Court in the year 1970, and therefore had the idea for the series before The Stand was published, in the mid 1970's
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Ayame writes:
King seems to have a thing about names starting with the letter R. In the stand "randal flagg". In The Shawshank Redemtion the fake name where they laundered the money. and i guess the dark tower which i just read about.
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Rob writes:
On a fun little side note, the band Anthrax wrote a killer song about this story called "Among the Living"...lyrics follow: Disease! Disease! Spreading the disease. With some help from Captain Trips, he'll bring the world down to his knees. Power, yes Power! He'll show them all his power. It pulses through his ice cold blood, a whole world to devour! He's seeing, he's calling, his legacy he's spawning. He's coming, corrupting, among the living! Murder! Murder! Commit cold blooded murder! Like Nazis during World War Two, they only follow orders. Hatred! Hatred! A crucifix is your bed, Once he turns his eye on you, you'll be better off dead! He's seeing, he's calling, his legacy he's spawning. He's coming, corrupting, among the living! I'm the walkin' dude, I can see all the world! Twist your minds with fear, I'm the man with the power. Among the living, follow me or die! Man, fights Man! Divided they can't stand! United, they can battle back, and make him force his hand! Fear, yes fear! His end is growing near, He didn't count on Man's good faith, and their will to persevere. He's seeing, he's calling, his legacy he's spawning. He's coming, corrupting, among the living! Follow me or die! FIRE! HOT FIRE!! Purge the world with fire!! Damnation is the price he'll pay, for an evil man's desire! Good, versus evil! The stand to vanquish evil! Man can only live one way, that place right in the middle. He's seeing, he's calling, his legacy he's spawning. He's coming, corrupting, among the living! Follow me or die! Among Among Among Among Among Among Among Among Among Among Among Among!
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cls writes:
Actually, the Gunslinger was written well before the stand. he talks about how he wrote the first 500 pages of the tower series on this green paper and how his (now) wife, (but back then a friend) and her bf all took this green paper. and how they all became writers. Carrie was his first published book, which his wife actually took out of the trash when he thew it out. meaning he started the gunsliger before he was married.
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TheKtulu7 writes:
Rob made a reference (more than a reference actually; he included lyrics) to a song. I thought I'd make one as well. There's a song called "Somewhere Far Beyond" by Blind Guardian, which is based upon the first two Dark Tower books, and possibly the third (the lyrics mention a world turning faster, which I don't remember reading in the first two books).
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neophoenix writes:
Actually if you read the Dark Tower series and think about it, all of King's books revolve around the Dark Tower. Think of it in this way: the Dark Tower is a symbol of King all the books he writes, are the worlds that are connected to the dark tower. "The Dark Tower connects all worlds and all worlds are connected to the tower." All his stories connect to the tower, the Flagg from the Stand is the same Flagg from Eyes of the Dragon the same Walter from the Dark Tower series. The Crimson King from Insomnia, is most likely the same as the one in the Dark Tower. The Dark Tower series is most likely going to end King's writing career. He started with it, as was stated before, as the first thing he wrote, and now, while it ends this year with the final chapter, it most likely means the last book by King. I hope I'm wrong, but on this, I think I will end up being right.
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Why hasnt anyone mentioned Hearts In Atlantis? Or The Talisman? Or Black House? The main story in Hearts In Atlantis is about a guy who's running from The Crimson King, and The Talisman and Black House are both partly SET in Roland's world. He's even referred to in one of them, Black House I think. I know this is a bit obscure, but does anyone else think that the alien place in 'From A Buick 8' is the same place from which Roland saw the blade of purple grass near the end of The Gunslinger? Its a long-shot, I know, but it would be like Stephen king to do something like that. I havnt read all the other Stephen king eeggs yet so theres a good chance this has been suggested elsewhere...
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The man in black, Flagg, Walter...whatever you want to refer to him as, is not just similar men in each story. He is the SAME man. Remeber there are many levels through the tower and therefore many doors to walk through. Flagg has to a point perfected these walk throughs and when he gets into too much trouble in any one world he simply walks off into the night, through a new door,and into a new world. This is why he has appeared in so many novels. Mr King vows that he did not know where he was going with the Dark Tower EVER, Just that when he got the itch he wrote and the book wrote itself through him. I can belive that to an extent because if it were true how could he have the forsight to tie atleast twenty books together?
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Dez writes:
In the Stephen King Move Golden Years, The Sntch who tells on the main characters is named Captain Trips.
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Hillbilly writes:
I'm going on the theory that Christine might actually belong to one of the low men in yellow coats.Also,IT might be one of the animals that guard the doors between times.Could be that IT went crazy like the bear that roland and his ka-tet came across and went through the door it was guarding.This could really be what Mike Hanlon & Richie Tozier saw during the smokehole ceremony.One other thing,did anyone catch the brief appearance of Dick Halloran from the Shining?
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