Mallrats Easter Egg - How Dare You!

The Mallrats DVD has loads of great stuff on it, AND an easter egg! In one of the menus, highlight the toy robot's eyes and press "play". You'll be greeted by Kevin Smith berating you for trying to find an easter egg on the disc, and then plugging his merchandise.

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 232 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-10-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Mallrats Special Edition DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Nic Gordon writes:
This is an awesome egg! I love the movie and this is the icing on the cake!
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I saw this when I first was searching throught the options and I knew it was an Easter Egg from the start. How Kevin Smith-like!
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Derrick writes:
This Egg is in the Bonus Material chapter, when you are in, just keep pressing the right direction button until the robots eyes go red. Press play and your there. And Kevin Smith is right, get a life and stop looking for easter eggs, although its a direct contradiction to myself, he's right
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goodoldBR writes:
Is this available on the 10th anniversary DVD, or just the original?
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The egg is on the 10th anniversary dvd, along with some others. In the Bonus Features menu, highlight Outtakes, then press left, and a yellow grappling hook gun will show up in Silent Bob's cape. In the Languages menu, highlight Francais 2.0 under Spoken Languages, then press right, and an exclaimation pont will show up next to Brodie's head. Thats an interview with Jason Lee. And the last one, is in the main menu, press up until flames appear over the Mallrats logo. Its a mini interview thing with Kevin.
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