Stone, Oliver Easter Egg - Oliver Stone Movie Cameos

Oliver Stone has made quite a few cameos in many of the movies he has directed. These are a few of the movies I can think of off the top of my head:

"Platoon" - Army General who gets blown-up as a NVA does a suicide bombing run into his bunker

"Wall Street" - Is seen buying stocks in a 4-way screen split.

"The Doors" - 2 cameos, he is the film school teacher that cuts Jim's work, and a student in the audience.

"Any Given Sunday" - Sports anouncer

"Born on the 4th of July" - News reporter.

Oliver also did a made for T.V. movie, I can't recall the name of it (I think it had James Belushi in it), he plays himself on it.

If you can find any other ones please add them!

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  6.6/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Willow on 02-08-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VCR, movie rentals
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The film where Oliver Stone appears as himself is Wild Palms, which was based on a comic strip from Details Magazine. It also starred Jim Belushi, Dana Delany, and Angie Dickinson. Stone is being interviewed at the beginning of the movie (set in the near future), and the interviewer is asking him how he feels now that the conspiracy theories he championed were now proven correct. It's pretty funny. Stone also appears as himself in the movie Dave, in which Kevin Kline plays a phony double of the President. Stone is on Larry King Live talking about how he thinks the president has been replaced with a double.
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Bolverk writes:
Ron Novak also makes a cameo in "Born on the Fourth of July." He appears as a delegate at the Presidential convention, and as such he is shown applauding on a television screen.
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Jfranspen writes:
My favorite Oliver Stone cameo is in one of his first films, 1981's "The Hand." In a hilarious (unintentionally?) scene, Stone plays a drunken bum who is attacked and killed by the severed hand of Michael Caine's character.
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