Strangeland Easter Egg - We're Not Gonna Take It!

During the scene where Dee Sniders' character, Carlton Hendricks, returns home, a crowd of people forms in his yard in protest. If you look carefully at the beginning, you can see someone in the background holding a sign that says "We're not gonna take it." We're not gonna take it was one of Dee Sniders most popular songs when he was lead singer for Twisted Sister in the 80's...also, his character in the movie went by the screen name Capt Howdy, which was also from a Twisted Sister song, but he originally got the name from the movie The Exorcist.

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  6.9/10 with 59 votes
Contributed By: WhiteKenny on 02-09-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: strangeland movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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dewey writes:
when Dee strunging up Robert Engund with fish hooks he says theres no crying......from a leuge of their own when Tom Hanks says theres no crying in baseball. Dees origonal idea for CaptHowy was a clown, he told Stephen King about it and a whlie later "IT" was done....makes you think......
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loki writes:
Yeah, I noticed this before, but i guess you beat me to it :(
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Jade writes:
Dewey-Dee Snider had nothing to do with Stephen King's clown character in "IT". King began writing "IT" on September 9, 1981.(Refer to the end of the novel.) Strangeland was not made until 1997(I'm almost positive). Though Snider did have ideas for his movie as far back as 1985, King began his book before then. If you want to check this out for yourself, peruse this site I really don't think that Stephen King needs to turn to anybody for his ideas. Seems to me he's come up with plenty others on his own.
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Dave writes:
I know it's not an egg, but it's terribly amusing. More of a flubb actually, during the final fight scene (I recall hay and Dee being on fire) you can vividly see one of the scars on his shoulder FALL OFF! Like I said, I know it's not an egg, thats why it's just in the comments section.
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ravermama writes:
I highly doubt that Stephen King got the idea for "IT" from Dee Snider. The "evil clown" idea has been around for years. John Wayne Gacy was a real serial killer clown. Claudophobia (fear of clowns) has been high on the list of common phobias probably almost as long as clowns have been around. It probably started in the middle ages when cannibalism amongst bandits living in the woods was a big problem. Often these brigands would try to make a living doing sideshow and/or acrobatic type acts and possible dressed like clowns, or they would masquerade as traveling performers. Children were warned to stay close to parents because the brignads might kidnap you and either sell you into slavery or eat you. This warning is the basis for many themes in fairytales including the Snow Queen and Little Red Riding Hood (originally the wolf was a werewolf).
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