X-Files Easter Egg - Carter Crosses Over

In the Feburary 6th episode regarding the kidnapped children, the father is watching tv in the beginning of the episode. When asked later what he was watching, he responded that it was something new he had never heared about, but it was good. What the brief clip was, was footage of Chris Carter's short lived FOX show Harsh Realm

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  7.0/10 with 42 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VCR
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Lone Star writes:
Yes I remember that one...I wondered about what it was, since it obviously meant something, but now I know.
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CrAcKeR writes:
The actor who played the father in X-Files played a character in Harsh Realm. I don't remeber the name but he played a deaf bounty hunter who chased, and cought, the hero.
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