JBuilder Easter Egg - Morph Photos of Staff (v2)

1. JBuilder 2 - Help - About
2. Ctrl+ on 'Dedicated to the memory of Hanpeter van Vliet ...'
3. Repeat this step, every 2 minutes, 10-11 times, writing down the words that scroll by.
4. After the number shows up (it changes), press Ctrl+/
5. The Goto: box should show up. Type in the words, separated by periods.
Example: borland.Raven.Metro.JAyVA.Nemesis.Latte.visual.open.Spartacus.JBuilder.44872
6. Move your mouse over each of the pictures.

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Hugh Jorgan on 07-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Pencil Eater writes:
How do you get the 'goto box', i can't find it anywhere....all it says is 'you've got it, now do it'.
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