Framemaker Easter Egg - Spell Checking Amusement

1. type 'Interleaf' (no quotes) in any document
2. spell-check document

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 58 votes
Contributed By: Alan Wexelblat on 07-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: none
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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angelworks writes:
Having worked for Adobe there are actually a whole bunch of keywords (like 10 or so - and they are all former competing products) that do this. Keep in mind when searching for them, they existed in the product before it was purchase by Adobe (so pre 5.5, but I really don't know when it was introduced), and they aren't in the dictionary file - and most (all but one I think) are long since gone from the marketplace. They are also all slightly incorrect case sensitive spellings of the product name (the Easter Egg itself is case sensitive), so you'll not likely find it just on accident. I've actually never heard of any customer just randomly running into them spell checking a document or book. One might ask why they are still there (I last checked version 8 and they still exist). Its simple - Frame is a massive massive massive project with a huge code base.
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