Body Double Easter Egg - Camera Crew in 'Porn Scene'

This ingenious movie has a lot of false bottoms. All the time you have to concider what's real and what's not.
The main character is an small time actor. We see him during the shooting of a soft porn movie. He enters a dressingroom, the door swings open and shut. This door has a mirror on the inside and for a short moment (3 or 4 frames) we see the complete camera crew of the porn movie reflected.
When you think for a while you understand that this is actually the camera crew of Body Double. I don't know what Brian dePalma looks like, but he's probably there too.

User Rating:
  5.7/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: neukbeest on 01-23-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VCR with pause-option
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Actually, during the porno underworld tour while Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Relax" is blaring, it's actually Frankie, the lead singer lip-sync "narrating" the beginning of the scene. I think the mirror shot of the restroom in that same scene is intentional, because Brian DePalma is a stickler for fancy crane shots and other long, one-take elaborate camera moves.( seee Snake Eyes, Scarface, Blow-Out,The Untouchables, Dressed to Kill, etc. Second, the "small-time" actor in the porno audition scene with Melanie Griffith, is none other than Craig Wasson, who after Body Double (1984), went on to play the Dr. Shrink guy who tries to help the kids in the looney bin in Chuck Russell's A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors..whew!
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tenohtwo writes:
Not to be picky, but the lead singer's name is Holly, as in Holly Johnson. 'Frankie Goes To Hollywood' is just the band name.
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