Dial-up Networking Easter Egg - Warp Speed Dialing

1. Open dial-up networking (this should work on any generic dialer).
2. Enter your password, etc. then press connect.
3. Hold down the ENTER key while it's dialing.
4. Watch the red thing that goes from the picture of the phone to the picture of the computer.

User Rating:
  4.2/10 with 652 votes
Contributed By: BoaX on 07-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 98 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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viTki writes:
This doesn't acually speed up the dialing. It just makes the little animation cycle through quicker.
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viTki writes:
This doesn't speed up the dialing of the number. It just speeds up the animation.
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Just writes:
I tried it and I timed it with a stop watch and although the little red indicator was moving like silly, the connection time was no different.
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FoLoSa writes:
Booooooring... 5 out of 10 animations will speed up when holding a key on the keyboard... what's so special about this one?
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fuekien writes:
You can speed up your dialing speed by going to the properties of your connection, Configure... (under your modem), Connection tab, Advanced..., and adding "S11=10" to your Extra Settings (without the quotes).
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control panel modems properties connection advanced in "extra settings" box type: s11=50 does more than speed up your animation
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Maxfutur writes:
control panel modems properties connection advanced in "extra settings" box type: &f and fly to 115200 with 56k modem La vida es un riesgo (;+D)
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