Second Coming (The Stone Roses) Easter Egg - Extra Track

There is an extra track to listen to on the CD. The CD has 99 tracks according to your CD player, though the album actually finishes after track 12, followed by 86 4-second long silent tracks until the CD stops. One track, however, contains a 6-minute 'song' of honky-tonk garbage piano obviously recorded in a drunken moment. To listen to it, simply fast forward to track 90. Congratulations and 'Saddo of the Month' award to anyone who listens to the whole of the track!

User Rating:
  7.6/10 with 17 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Second Coming CD & a CD player
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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WhiteKenny writes:
Hey! I like that song, it's kinda cool!
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Jess0875 writes:
Maybe it's just a unique quirk on my CD, but I have it on track 32. Whether they were drunk or sober when they recorded this one, they did an awesome job! Thanks for the info! :-)
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Zooropa writes:
Yeah, this track is known as "The Fozz". Someone spoke 'bout it in an interview once. The best reason for the name, is that it's a blend of FOlk, and jaZZ. Quite a cool song, I thought :-)
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fan75 writes:
I think it's a cool jam, and quite interesting to listen to. As well that track was a missed opportunity for "Cold Mountain" because in my opinion it sounds like what a 'jam' between Stobrod, Pangle, and Georgia probably would've really sounded like, if they'd played the movie closer to the book.
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Wallamanage writes:
I'm taking it this isn't on the tape version.
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